Chapter Forty-Five

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The group of Force-sensitives decide to go back to the Phoenix flagship before heading off to Malachor. To give the Rebels a heads-up, so as not to worry them. Keen knows they'll be hanging around the base for a while, and decides to do something she's been wanting to do since finding Cody.

One the group are docked to the ship, Keen trots off, leaving it up to Ahsoka, Kanan, Leia and Ezra to decide who they're telling about their plans, if anyone. The Jedi Master knows where the Clones are staying, and sets off through the ship to find them. Once arriving at the door of their bunk, she knocks lightly, not wanting to intrude on their personal space. Eh is the first to the door, smacking the controls so that the doors slide open. "So, how you boys been?"

The smiling faces of five other Clones appear in the door, clearly happy to know that she's returned safe, and alive. "Better, now that you're here," Hotrod states, as he shoves his brothers over, gesturing her inside.

Ari'abel rolls her eyes, "Get many visitors while I was away?"

"A couple. Rex, Gregor, Wolffe, some Mandalorian child. Not many others."

"I expected that would happen, and I'm sorry."

"What we did," Oati starts, "It's not your fault. What happened, that's on the Emperor, and on us."

"No, now you just hold on a moment. This is not your fault, it's all on Palpatine."

She can't help but notice the overall feeling of guilt crowding the room. The Jedi Master blinks, trying to tune the feeling out, to distract herself she takes in the Clones now clean armour, Cody even shaved his beard, at least mostly, he left himself some sideburns, and a goatee.

Oati cut his hair a couple of inches, and now it's just braided, resting on his neck. "Anyway. I'm not ganna be here long, but I'm sure Rex will put you lot to good use."

"Where you headed?" Eh asks, brushing past the others, so he can stand directly in front of her.

She has no qualms about sharing the information with them, like Kanan and Ahsoka do, not that she doesn't understand why, given how persuasive the Ghost Crew tend to be. "We're headed to Malachor. Birthplace of the Sith. Hoping to gain some knowledge."

"Is it safe," Ember questions, after running a hand through his hair.

"Probably not, but, what can you do. Before I go, I have a long term assignment for you, Cody, if you want.

The Marshall Commander doesn't hesitate, nodding at her immediately. "We can leave when you want, but I have to tell Rex goodbye first."

"When you're ready, I'll be on the ship," she smiles, turning to leave. The Jedi Master exits the bunk, making a beeline for the Corundum.

Keen leans against the side of her ship, propping one foot up behind her, expecting Rex to come and ask questions. What surprises her is seeing Gregor walk straight across the docking bay straight to the Jedi Master. She raises an eyebrow, crossing her arms as the Commander stops in front of her. He looks her straight in the eye, "There is not one Jedi I trust more than you."


"I know you trust Clones. I know you never let any of my brothers senselessly die."

"Right?" she states, her confusion over why he's here growing.

"What I'm trying to say is, General, you take good care of my vod. You make sure he stays with us. In the land of the living. You understand?" the Clone finishes, his voice cracking.

"Gregor," Keen states, setting her hands on his shoulders, "I swear to you, I will do everything in my power to keep Cody alive. I can't guarantee he'll come back with me, but if he doesn't, he'll have his comm."

"I know you will, Sir. Thank you."

Just then, Rex and Cody stroll up to the Corundum, the Captain's arm strung over his brother's shoulder. Ari'abel gives the two a nod as they approach her, and Gregor, smiling at the same time. "So, you still ready to go?"

"Yes, sir."

"Alright, mate," she says turning around to her ship. She turns her head about halfway to the ramp, calling back, "I'm pretty sure Ez had a question for you Rexy."

"Yeah, thanks for that, General."

Ari'abel pivots the rest of the way around on his heel, to face the Clone Captain. "Aw, really, I missed it?"

"It's what you get for not coming to the briefings. But, it's just as uncomfortable as it was seventeen years ago."

Keen grins walking back to wrap her arms around Gregor and Rex's shoulders. "Well, mate, we gotta keep you on your toes. I'm still mad I missed it, I'll have to ask Kanan about it, after I get back." She leans her head over, and wraps an arm around Gregor, followed by Rex. Keen releases both Clones instantly flouncing to the Corundum.

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