Chapter Thirty-Seven

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"Sorry, my friends," Numa says, not sounding the least bit apologetic.

Ezra, Sabine, Zeb, and Leia voice their anger, but Gobi and Numa ignore their protests, stunning them.

Keen holds her hands up, "Now, wait, we can talk about-" She doesn't get the chance to finish what she was saying, as both freedom fighters stun her at the exact same time.

A few moments later, the Jedi groans, blearily opening her eyes. "What the kriffing shab was that?"

"They betrayed us," Zeb replies.

"Yeah, no osik!" she says,standing up, making her way to the cockpit.

As the door slides open, she hears Zeb quietly mumble, "Well, you asked." In the cockpit, Kanan is standing next to a clearly pissed off Hera Syndulla. He looks like he just woke up himself, but, judging by the pair of binders near the pilot's seat, their captain was spared being knocked unconscious.

"Um, Hera, uh, our friends have bags full of detonators," Ezra says.

"Enough to blow up this carrier," Sabine offers.

"We're scrubbing this mission, right?" Leia asks, looking between her Master, Kanan, and Hera.

"No, we're finishing it. We'll stop my father, then we'll steal this ship."

"We'll take the bridge," Kanan tells Ezra, "Zeb, you and Sabine check the munitions rack for those detonators."

"Leia and I will search the rest of the ship. You never know what sort of back-up plan Cham could have."

Hera nods, before she jumps up the ladder, Kanan and Ezra right behind her. Keen carefully reaches into her bag, grabbing a lightsaber, handing it to Leia. "Emergencies only, Princess."

Leia glances down at the hilt in her hand, looking it over carefully. As Zeb and Sabine exit the ship, she says, "This isn't one of your blades."

"Bravo, you have basic observation skills." It takes her a second to realize what she says, and internally cringes. "Sorry, that was mean. I always carry a spare, because you never know what could happen."

"What all do you even carry in your bag?" Leia asks, as she follows her Master out of the ship.

"Whatever random gark I think may come in handy. I always like to be prepared." The two carefully skirt around the munitions rack, and start down a corridor at random. "I highly doubt General Syndulla is on the lower levels. I want to check the engine, make sure there aren't any bombs there."

Leia nods, her hand tightening around the hilt of the borrowed lightsaber. "You know, if we focus on lightsaber training, you may be able to get one of your own soon."

"I want to learn how to heal. I don't want a lightsaber, I want to be able to help others."

Keen turns her head, glancing at her student. "That is a great answer. I want you to understand that there is no guarantee that you will be able to heal. It's not an ability all Jedi are capable of, your father certainly wasn't."

"Yeah, well, I'm not Anakin Skywalker, so maybe I will succeed. I may fail, but at least then we'll know."

The Jedi Master runs a hand through her hair, "When did you get so wise?"

"I have a good teacher."

The Jedi Master chuckles, arriving at the door to the engine room. "Would you look at that, it's locked."

"Let me," Leia says, raising her hand, and closing her eyes. After a few false starts, the door unlocks, and slides open smoothly.

"Good job. Now let's check it out."

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