Chapter Forty-Three

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Not long after Kanan contacts the Ghost, the Phantom is docking with her in open space. The two Padawans make their way easily out of the ship. The Knight carefully approaches the still sleeping Jedi Master, shaking her shoulders lightly. Keen groggily opens her eyes, peering at Kanan through her eyelashes. "How you feeling?"

"Like I got ran over by a speeder-bike. How're the kids?"

"Not bleeding, or dead, or burned, thanks to you. I contacted Ahsoka, we gotta figure out why these Inquisitors seem to always be able to find us. We're docked with the Ghost. So, c'mon." He pushes his head under her arm, helping to boost her to her feet.

Ari'abel starts to feel more awake as the two make their way for the ladder. Kanan starts down first, wanting to be on the floor in case she falls from the ladder. "Kanan, I'll be fine. I'm not made of glass, and anyway my energy is coming back."

"Right, okay. Says the woman who can barely stand."

"Ah, Can it, Dume, I'll be fine."

Kanan rolls his eyes, jumping off the final few rungs of the ladder. Keen follows directly beside him, waving at Hera and Zeb.

"I heard about what happened. I'm just glad everyone's okay," the Twi'lek says, eyeing Keen. Turning to Kanan, she adds, "She's waiting for you. Why did you have us meet you out here away from the fleet?"

Kana looks her straight in the eye, and states, "It's safer this way," before walking off down the corridor.

"Ignore Mr. Melodrama over there. We believe the Inquisitor's are able to track our Force-signatures, which is how they often find us," Keen tells them, beginning to follow Kanan. She stops, just before entering the corridor, spinning on heel to ask, "And how are the newest rebel recruits doing?"

"Rex says that their Inhibitor Chips were removed successfully, and they all seem to be adjusting well. He also said to thank you for bringing them home."

The Jedi Master nods, spinning back to the corridor, and the door that the others had entered through. The door slides open, just as Leia says, "And then there's Vader."

"What's this about good old Vadey?"

"The fact that you have a nickname for the Sith Lord who has tortured you to the point of death should be vaguely concerning," Kanan mutters, not bothering to answer her question.

Ahsoka looks over at Kanan, "You should've heard her nicknames for Dooku, and Grevious." Turning to Keen, she adds, "Kanan here seems to want to hunt down the Inquisitors."

"Can't say I can blame him."

His eyes widen, turning to look at her, surprised. "Uh...exactly. The fact remains, we can't protect our friends from Vader and his Inquisitors." He turns and addresses Ezra, while he adds, "I can barely protect you."

"I don't need protecting."

Ahsoka considers their words, looking thoughtful. "It's times like these that my Master and I would turn to someone like Obi-Wan, or Keen, or maybe Master Yoda. They always held the answers."

"Well," Ari'abel sighs, "Almost always. I know how to disguise one's Force-signature, but if the  dog's got the scent, there's not much that I know to do." Quietly, under her breath she adds, "I bet my Master would know."

"Then maybe we should ask Master Yoda," Kanan states, surely.

Keen turns to look at him, confusion skirting across her face, "We're going to Dagobah?"

Leia turns, cocking her head slightly to the side, "Why would we go to Dagobah?"

"Uh," she quickly runs her fingers through her hair. "No reason. So, Jedi Temple, right?"

"Yeah. I'll get Chopper to power up the Phantom, and get ready to leave," Kanan informs them, turning to leave the room.

Ezra's eyes drift down to his sleeve, which is still missing, seeing as it was burned off. "I think I'm gonna go change. See ya on the ship."

Ahsoka turns, her eyes meeting Leia's. "Princess, if you ever wish to know more about your father, you can always ask me, or Rex. We'd be happy to tell you stories."

Leia beams up at the Togruta, "Thanks, Ahsoka! I think I'm gonna go comm my father, Ari, I'll be on the ship on time, I promise."

"Yeah, have fun. Tell Bail, and Breha I say hello."

She waves back, dashing out of the room. "She's so much like her father," Ahsoka comments.

"Hopefully not too much. I'd really appreciate it if she chose to solve her problems with negotiation, and not violence."

"She was raised as a politician."

"Yeah. Let's hope Bail succeeded at making a negotiator at of her, and not a politician. I'm not brave enough to deal with politics."


The five Force-sensitives, and Chopper, make their way to their Temple destination. Walking out of the ship, Ahsoka surveys the dry landscape around her. "Ezra, you're from Lothal?"

"Yeah, this place is my home," he says, flinging his arms out. The group trek a little ways, each taking in the environment around them. Ezra leads them to three large spire rocks in the middle of an empty field. "Here it is."

"Wow, it's nicer than I would've thought, given how long it's sat abandoned," Keen mutters.

"You weren't here when they first came?" Leia asks her.

"Nah. I was busy getting better acquainted with my mate, Darth Vader."

Ahsoka merely sighs. "We just can't take you anywhere?"

"Oh, no, you can easily take me places, just don't leave me there."

Ezra points to a large circle on the ground, trying to get the group back on track, "If you, Kanan, and Keen stand here, you can use the Force to open the Temple."

"I cannot," Ahsoka tells him.

The boy freezes, whipping his head to face the Togruta, "Why?"

"Because I am no longer a Jedi. It was my choice, I left the Order. It's probably best if you four open it."

"All right then," the boy shrugs, stepping up to the circle. "Kanan? Keen? Leia?"

The other three join the Padawan on the circle, each of the Force-sensitives raising their hands, focusing solely on raising the Temple to usable height. Keen only lets her focus drop when she's sure the Temple is safely raised. "Well, new problem, new door," she hears Kanan remark.

Ari'abel smiles at him, turning to look at the astromech, "Chop, stay here, please. Keep an eye out."

Chopper grunts, bouncing up and down in response. The rest of the team ignore the droid marching straight for the door to the Temple. Once all five are through the door, the Temple slowly lowers itself back into the ground, leaving the team of Force-sensitives trapped far below ground level.

Stepping onto the Temple, Keen can feel the familiar sensation of the Force surrounding her, feeling closer to the Force than she has for a long time. She takes a deep breath, "There's just nothing like a Jedi Temple is there?"

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