Chapter Twenty-Four

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Only moments after the Clone Captain leaves the room, a light knock is heard on the door. Keen's head turns, calling out, "Come on in."

Leia steps through the open door, beaming at the Jedi. "So," she starts, "I really want to be able to go on missions with you." Keen opens her mouth to respond to the girl, but the Princess continues on. "I know, I know. I can't exactly show up fighting Imperials, that could be terrible for Alderaan, but I was thinking. All I need is a mask like yours, or something that hides my face."

The Jedi Master smiles at her Padawan. "Alright, here," she says, tossing her a Clone Trooper helmet from the table near her bunk.

"A helmet from the Clone Wars?"

"It belonged to a member of the Coruscant guard. Right after the fall of the Republic, a group of Clone deserters and myself were on Kamino, just to save a kid. I knocked the Clone unconscious, and took his armour. Worked well for me for years, I'm sure it'll work for you too."

"Really?" the Princess asks, eyes widening. "Thank you, Ari!" she says, hugging her Master, before turning to the door.

"You should ask Sabine to paint it." Leia stops, her hand hovering over the button to open the door. "She'd be happy to do it. If you're using it to keep your identity from the Imps, might as well shove it back in their face."

"Can I take your mask, get her to paint it. We could match." The Jedi rolls her eyes, grabbing her bag. Fumbling around inside she tugs her mask from inside, tossing it at her Padawan as well.

"Knock yourself out kid."


About twenty minutes later, the door slides open, her student standing on the other side. The Princess walks in, the helmet resting snugly on her head. It's once white and red paint job now painted in a pale lilac. An orange Starbird covers the top corner of the right side. On the left top, in Aurebesh, is the phrase, 'Long Live the Republic.' The Padawan lifts the helmet from her head, a small smirk across her face.

She holds the old mask out to her master. It's been painted a very pale green, an orange Starbird in the exact center of the forehead, around the corners are a checkerboard of colours that relate to the other members of the Ghost crew. She smiles at it, taking it from the Princess' hands gently. Keen places it into the bag, turning her attention back to Leia. "I'll tell you when the mission comes in, till then, either go work on form one, or find Ezra and give him a hand.

The girl nods, turning from the Jedi, walking down the corridor. The door barely closes before it opens again, this time revealing the Jedi Knight, lounging against the doorframe. "Busy day?"

"You have no idea, seems as if it's about to get a whole lot busier. What's up?"

"Ahsoka's here, wants to see you in my cabin. Official Jedi business."

Keen sighs, climbing slowly to her feet, trailing behind the Knight. As they head for the bunk, Ari'abel senses the presence of the two Padawans following them both, as discreetly as they can.

The two enter, a smiling Ahsoka greeting the Jedi Master. Her face falls to a much more serious frown. "I've been monitoring transmissions from Mustafar to find out more about the Sith Lord."

"And?" Kanan asks, side-eyeing Keen.

Ahsoka sighs, also looking at Ari'abel, "Information about him eludes me, but I've learned more about his Inquisitors. It seems they have a secondary mission to make retrievals."

"We already know that they excel at hunting what remains of the Jedi. What else could they possibly be after."

"At this point, I could only guess. I managed to decipher two sets of coordinates. I'm on my way to investigate the first one, I was hoping maybe you would accompany me?" she says, asking Keen.

"Course, I'd never pass up the chance to hang out with you," she responds, beaming at the Togruta.

Kanan shakes his head, chuckling slightly. "I assume you want me to check out the second?" he asks, to which he receives a nod. "I'm in."

"You should have Ezra join you. And I was hoping Leia could join us."

Keen chuckles, "Well, I guess it's a good thing that they're already briefed on the mission." Ahsoka looks at her confused, but Kanan walks to the door, opening it. 

Both Padawan's fall through the doorway into a heap on the floor. Leia is the first to her feet, tugging Ezra up behind her. At the exact same time, they both say, "You did say it was Jedi business."

The Togruta merely sighs, shaking her head, "Bring Zeb as well, Kanan. He proved himself against the Inquisitors before." Kanan nods, leaving his bunk, and the other three behind in his room.

"So, where too?" Leia asks the two.

Keen not having an answer, turns to face the former Jedi Padawan. She closes her eyes for a few seconds, taking a deep breath. "Chandel, or nearly."

"We wanna take my ship?" the Jedi Master questions, the trio making their way for the docking port.

"Fine by me."


The trip to Chandel, although not very long, is filled with questions from the Padawan, mostly about the old Jedi Order. The two take turns answering questions, until a mostly destroyed public shuttle comes into view just outside the Chandelian atmosphere. Ahsoka and Keen glance at each other, the Jedi flipping switches, as she guides the ship to dock with the other.

Once fully hooked up, the three start through to the shuttle. Stopping just before entering, Keen turns to her Padawan, "I want you to stay behind me, and don't do anything reckless. Be mindful, trust the Force."

Leia nods, pulling her new helmet securely over her head. The Jedi turns back around, pulling her own mask on, gesturing for Ahsoka to lead the way. The three cautiously pick their way through the partially destroyed vessel, using the Force to guide them to where they need to go. Walking down a corridor, Keen faintly hears a woman's voice rasping, "Help."

The Jedi Master signals for the trio to stop, holding a finger to her lips. Through the creaking of the ship, the voice is once again discernable, still rasping. "Help. I'm here."

Ahsoka approaches the woman, Keen and Leia right beside her. Kneeling kindly beside the older woman, the ex-Jedi says, "It's okay. You're safe now."

The woman gulps, looking relieved upon seeing the three kind faces, "Help me. Help my grandchild."

"Your grandchild?" Leia asks, glancing at the Togruta, before moving her head to face Ari'abel.

"They took her. They took Alora. The red blades, they knew that she has it. Find her. She has it..."

"Shh'" Keen says, taking the woman's hand, "Rest. You need to rest. We will find her."

The elderly woman lays her head down on the hard, metal flooring, her eyes drifting closed.

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