Chapter Thirty-Four

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Chopper, upon receiving the coordinates for Lira San had trundled off to the cockpit. The Lasat's had all gathered together in the common area, talking quietly about the old days on Lasan.

The three Force-sensitives moved over to the benches around the holo-table, and Kanan pulls up Djarik. "What d'you say, Keen. Care for a game?"

"Sure, but just be aware that I haven't lost a game in over a century."

"That will just make it all the worse when I beat you," he says, grinning.

"Oh, yes, absolutely devastating," she deadpans.

The game progresses, as does the trash talking. Ezra decides to start assisting Kanan, so it becomes two against one. It was clear that Ari'abel was going to win, when the entire ship shakes. Ezra is on his feet, racing to the cockpit, everyone else following him, immediately.

"What's wrong?" Ezra asks.

"There's something in our path," Sabine replies, pointing out the viewscreen.

"What is that?"

"Imploded star cluster, biggest one I've ever seen," Hera tells Ezra.

"Nice save."

"Yeah, not only did she save all our lives, she saved your *ss from a humiliating defeat."

"Hey, I was gonna win!"

"No," Ezra and Keen say at the same time, "You were not."

The Knight shakes his head at them, while grinning. Hera rolls her eyes, deciding to being the conversation back on track. "If we get any closer the gravity field will destroy us."

"What happened?" Gorn asks, as he enters the cockpit, "Are we on course?"

"Yep! But theres a bit of an issue with a giant space anomaly in our path."

"This is what happens when we jump into uncharted space," Hera finishes.

"Ah. This is the maze that was prophesied!" Chava says, gesturing out to the star cluster.

"Wait, a maze? You never said anything about a maze. You prophecy types always pull something like this," Zeb growls.

Just as he finishes, the blaring sound of an alarm fills the room, and Keen sighs. Everything was going so simple, and then it's one problem on top of another. "What now?"

Filtering through the comm comes the voice of Imperial ISB Agent Kallus. "Attention rebels. As much as I might like to watch you consumed by the maelstrom before you I will offer you a chance to surrender an opportunity for survival."

"How did he find us?" Zeb groans, glaring at the comm.

"Hello, my friends," the voice of a familiar Weequay calls, answering the question.

"Hondo? What are you doing with him?"

"I must apologize, Ezra. I hid a tracker on that transmitter. You know, for insurance purposes."

Keen leans forward, talking into the comm, "Hey, Hondo, remember how I said I was glad you survived the Clone Wars?"


"I take it back."

Chopper echos her sentiments by chattering angrily at the comm.

"You have one minute to prepare for boarding, or to be destroyed," Kallus says, trying to nudge the conversation back to the Empire.

"I can't believe this. Kallus has got us," Zeb grumbles.

"He plays his part as warrior."

"Wait, he's the warrior. And I got stuck being the child!"

"Well, Hondo gets to be the fool, which is the role I wanted. Sometimes you just have to accept what life casts you as."

"There are many warriors, fools, and children, Captain," Chava says, ignoring the Jedi Master, "The child in you can't see how things are but how they can be. The fool denies his destiny but it is the warrior you are who will create one. You are never one of these. In time you become all of them."

Zeb considers her statement, before turning and looking at his bunkmate, "Ezra, bring me my bo-rifle."

"What are you thinkin', buddy?" Kanan asks Zeb, as Ezra sprints to go and get the Lasat his bo-rifle.

The Padawan returns a few moments later, and hands him his weapon. "You can do this, Zeb. I know it."

He takes the rifle, holding it out in front of him, pointed at the controls in front of him. "Just like the ancients used it."

"Your time is up, rebels."

The rebel crew ignore the ISB Agent, instead choosing to focus on the Lasat who is electrifying the controls. Hera and Sabine seem vaguely concerned, but Keen steps forward, tapping into the Force to help him guide the ship. Ezra and Kanan both take a step forward, gently laying a hand on the Lasat's shoulder, helping him to guide the ship. The hyperspace kicks in, and the Ghost crew leave the Imperials behind, letting them take in the view of the star cluster.

As the hyperdrive stops, the occupants of the cockpit going flying around. Ezra hits the floor to Zeb's left, and Kanan is on the other side of the Lasat. Keen, who was standing directly behind Zeb, gets the full weight of the Lasat on top of her. Chopper rolls over, deliberately whacking Ezra as he wheels past him. "Ow! Was that really necessary?"

The astromech merely laughs at Ezra, as he wheels away.

The Padawan sticks his tongue out at the droid, climbing to his feet, he sees the Lasat, who looks as though he may be unconscious. He races over to him, and Kanan helps the Lasat up. Gron walks over to check on Zeb, while Kanan focusses his attention on Keen.

He offers her a hand, which she grabs like it's a lifeline, hauling herself up off the hard flooring. "Well, that's not something I'd like to try again. But, it looks like it was worth it," she comments, gazing out the viewscreen at the planets just within view.


Zeb takes the Phantom, and Chava and Gorn down to Lira San. It's a few hours later that Ari'abel walks into the gun turret, where Ezra is lounging in the seat. Kanan strolls in as well, leaning in the doorway, while Keen crouches in the window. "Zeb has been down there a while. Are you sure he's coming back?"

"Pretty sure."

"Zeb, although he'd never admit it, actually likes you, so, yeah, he'll be back."

The Padawan looks out the window to see the Phantom once again approaching the Ghost.

"You were right."

Chopper wheels into the room, grumbling about the return of the Lasat. Hera chuckles, "Well, I'm sorry, Chopper. You're gonna have to put all of Zeb's stuff back in his room."

Sabine gazes out at Lira San herself, musing,  "Kinda sad, those two Lasat all alone on that planet."

The door behind her opens, and the towering figure of Zeb stands there, and comments, "They're not alone."

"What are you talking about?"

"There were already Lasat down there. Lira San is where my people originally came from."

Chopper chatters confusedly, turning his dome to face the Jedi Master. "Why yes, my small friend. That does mean that there are a whole lot more of him."

The astromech grumbles, and Hera answers his question, "Yes. We can go home now."

"Yeah. How do we get home?" Ezra asks.

"Consider this system charted which means now that the Ghost has been here we can always come back."

"And if we meet any other Lasat I will show them the way," Zeb says, actually seeming happy, for the first time in a long, long while.

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