Chapter Forty-Nine

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From behind the group, the Temple begins to rumbles, the ground throughout the cavern shaking as well. All gazes turn to the Temple, and Ahsoka states, "We need to find Ezra."

The Knight nods in agreement, pointing at Chopper, "Get back to the Phantom and get ready to leave."

The droid grunts, lifting off the floor to go to their shuttle. Keen grabs the Inquisitor, pulling him along beside the crew. As they get closer to the Temple, Kanan looks up to the obelisk sitting atop the pyramid shaped building. "Why do I know Ezra's involved in this somehow?"

"Because it's basic knowledge," Leia replies. The team continues to move towards the Temple. "I mean, Ezra disappears. Temple begins to activate. Basic deductive reasoning."

Keen can see Kanan roll his eyes as the group arrive at the opening to the Sith Temple. Ari'abel thought that the Dark Side energy was strong down under the planet's surface, but she is certain that it is strongest inside the Temple. The whispers of the Dark Side push harder against the shields she has built in her mind, and it's starting to give her a headache.

The Jedi Knight gazes at the Temple door, sighing, as he places his hand flat against it. "He's inside, I know it. But there's no way he lifted that door."

"He certainly couldn't have without help."

For no discernable reason, Eighth Brother begins to laugh, causing the whole group to turn and look at him. "What's so funny?" Kanan asks him.

"Yeah, totally not getting the whole laughing thing. Nobody said anything even remotely funny."

Once again filtering through the commlink comes the voice of their astromech, sounding frantic. "What is it, Chopper?" His grunts continue, sounding grumpy. "What do you mean we've got company?"

The Inquisitor just continues to laugh, and it's not exactly helping Keen's headache. "Okay, what are you laughing at?" Leia demands.

From the distance, the sounds of whirring lightsabers can be heard. Turning around she sees Fifth Brother and Seventh Sister can be seen, flying in on their lightsabers. "Well, would you look at that, more Inquisicoptors." Turning around she can see Eighth Brother staring at her. "See, now is when you laugh, because that was pure gold."

"Sure it was, Ari," Leia says, patting her arm. "Whatever you have to tell yourself."

"Oi!" Keen grouses, pulling out her lightsabers, igniting them in front of her. Fifth Brother drop onto the platform, his blades immediately clashing against the rebels'

Seventh Sister continues her arch over the others, slicing the binders off of Eighth Brother. The Inquisitor uses the Force to drag his lightsaber from the Knights hip to his hand. "An excellent day's hunt," Seventh Sister remarks, gazing upon the rebels.

Each of the Inquisitor's aim their blades at one of the Light Side users individually. Fifth Brother lunges at Kanan. Ahsoka takes on Seventh Sister. Leaving Eighth Brother to Keen. Leia alternates shooting at each of the Inquisitors individually.

While Ari'abel parries an attack from her Inquisitor, the door to the Temple opens behind them. "Ezra?" Kanan asks, half turning from Fifth Brother to glance at his Padawan.

"Kanan! Ahsoka! Keen! Leia!" he cheers, seeming genuinely happy, his lightsaber held aloft in his hand. "I've brought help."

He steps out of the door, to the side, revealing a very familiar face. The Dathomirian steps from the Temple, leaning heavily on a walking stick, and yet a smirk covers his head. Ari'abel meets his eyes, and quietly growls, "Maul."

Eighth Brother looks at the Dathomirian, seeming less surprised than the rebels, remarking, "The Shadow."

Maul's grin widens, his eyes narrowing at the Inquisitors, "What fun." He begins cackling ferociously, commenting once again, "What fun!"

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