Chapter Eight

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She's awake in a few moments, and shoots Zeb a glare. The Lasat merely shrugs, offering a wave.

She lightly touches Kanan's shoulder, "Kanan, wake up."

Zeb leans over the Knight, and shouts, "Kanan!" He jolts awake, groaning, glaring at the Lasat. "Hows your face?"

"Why did you hit me?"

"What? You had a helmet on."

"I didn't!" Keen protests.

The Jedi Knight sits up, rubbing the back of his head. his head, groaning.

"Did you have to hit us so hard?" Ezra asks.

"Hey, you wanted it to look good."

Ar'iabel looks at the Lasat, shaking her head. She's barely recovered from the Imps, and now her friends are knocking her unconscious. "Where's Leia?"

"In the cockpit with Hera."

Kanan, Ezra, and Keen all make their way slowly to the cockpit. The door slides open, and Ryder, Hera, and Leia leave the room.

The Princess's eyes land on Keen, she moves toward her, "I'm glad to know you're safe, Master."

She wraps herself around Keen, and the Jedi responds in kind. "And I you, Princess," she smiles down at her head. Feeling the burning stares, she lets Leia go. Nodding to the Captain, she greets, "Hera, nice to see you."

"It's nice to see you as well, Keen," The Twi'lek responds, walking past her. The Jedi Master, and her Padawan can hear a conversation that the others are having with Ezra.

"Is he alright?" Leia asks, walking up to Kanan.

"He's okay. He just lost some people close to him. It's a challenge being his age with so much responsibility."

"I know that feeling."

"Maybe he could use a friend," Keen suggests.

Leia walks over for the gun turret, intent on talking to Ezra.

"His parents?" Keen asks, turning her head from Leia to Kanan.

"Yeah." He turns to look at her. "She called you Master."

"Yes, she did."

"So, she's your..." he starts, letting the sentence drift off.

"My Padawan? Yes, she is."


"I'm sorry I was gone for so long. Especially without giving you warning."

"It's fine, you were clearly busy. Why did you leave like you did? I get that the Force sent you, but you could've told someone."

Keen sighs, "Kanan, if I had told you, I fear I never would've left. I went against the code, and got attached. To you, and your crew."

The Knight shakes his head at her, "How many times am I gonna have to say that they're our crew until you believe it?"

Ar'iabel doesn't say anything in response. The two stand in the corridor is slightly uncomfortable silence. Keen once again turns her head for the Jedi Knight, "Kanan I should really tell you that–" she starts.

She is cut off by Sabine walking into the corridor, "We're about to start planning, if you aren't busy."

"We'll be right there, Sabine," Kanan says. "You wanted to tell me something?" he looks over at Keen.

"Nah, don't worry, I'll tell you later," she mutters. Telling Kanan about Obi-Wan and Yoda could be dangerous, but he deserves to know. To know that he, Keen, and Ahsoka aren't the last of the order left.

She shakes her head slightly, drawing herself from her thoughts. She follows the Knight into the common room, leaning against the wall.

From her seat at the table Sabine brings up a hologram. Leia and Ezra enter the room, just as the Mandalorian says, "We did a scan of the landing field and looking at the Imperial security I just don't see us living long enough to get near those ships."

"Two Walkers are a big problem," Zeb grumbles.

"Ugh," Kanan grumbles, "Even if we reach the ships they're not going anywhere until we disable those gravity locks."

"Those defenses are formidable," Leia states, marching for the table. "Why? Because the Empire doesn't underestimate you. They know how good you are."

Keen smiles with just a touch of pride. Kanan just continues studying the hologram, "We might be able to get one out, but we'll never get all three. It's impossible."

"I know you need those ships, so don't tell me why we can't get them. Tell me how we will."

"Well," Ezra starts, "Kanan and I still have our disguises so we can get into the platform. But to get close to the ships, we'll need a distraction."

"I think the Princess and I can handle that," Keen gestures between herself and her Padawan.

"The Ghost can act as air support," Hera states.

"And I can use detonators to blast off the gravity locks."

"Won't work," Governor Azadi protests, "You can't forcibly remove the locks."

"You know this how?" Keen pipes up from the opposite corner of the room.

"In prison I put those locks together so I know how to take 'em apart."

"Ryder Azadi," Kanan smiles, standing from the table, "does that mean you're getting involved?"

"Just this once. It's clear I can't stay on Lothal, so I'll help you, if you get me outta here."

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