Chapter Twenty-Six

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It doesn't take long for the Inquisitors to transport the Jedi to Darth Vader, and Keen can sense his elation at the prospect of being able to torture her for more information. With his gloved hand, he raises her chin to look at him. Ari'abel knows she made the right decision, and hopes that they don't risk their lives to try to come and save her.

The Jedi Master knows that, even though she asked Ahsoka not to, the Ghost crew will still look for her. Something the Sith Lord is aware of as well, and very much anticipating.

"So," Keen drawls, "what is it today, Ani? Your normal torture, or do you have something special planned?"

The Sith Lord leans down toward her, whilst transporting her to a cell, "I know you know Kenobi's location. You will tell me where he is!"

"Hmmmm," she says, faking consideration, "After careful consideration, I'm gonna say no."

Vader growls, tossing her unceremoniously into an empty cell, before turning around dramatically, the door sliding closed behind him.


Kanan glances back as Ahsoka slides onto the ship,noticing a suspicious lack of a Jedi Master. "Where is she?" he asks.

"Where's the Corundum?"

"Zeb's flying it in the opposite direction, divide and conquer. Now, where's Keen?"

The Togruta sighs, scrubbing a hand down her face. "She-Keen made a deal with the Inquisitors. They took her, and agreed to let everyone else go, for now." Kanan's face goes from indifferent to distressed to angry in the course of five seconds, turning back around to the controls. Ahsoka looks around the Phantom, noticing a suspicious lack of other people. "Where are the kids?"

"With Zeb, figured the Imps would be more likely to follow you than them."

"So you willingly sacrifice yourself."

"I would've, were it not for Keen. Do you wanna tell Leia? Or should I?"

Ahsoka collapses onto the bench behind her, once again scrubbing a hand down her face. "I didn't even think about telling them. We need to contact Rex. Keen asked me to go to Jedha. It sounded important."

"And we need Rex, why?" Kanan asks, sarcastically. He turns his chair around, the stars streaming quickly by the viewscreen.

"Just open a channel to him, please," the ex-Jedi sighs.

The Knight pushes a few buttons, the communicator chiming through the ship. "Rex," the Togruta says.

"Ahsoka?" the Clone Captain asks, sounding a bit worried, "What's wrong?"

"We're on our way back, but we have a problem. Keen isn't with us."

A sharp inhale of breath came through the comm, and then the Clone says, "By not with you, please tell me you mean not on the Phantom."

"I mean, she isn't on the ship. But, she's also been kidnapped by the Empire," Kanan says.

The Clone sighs, "Okay, you can tell me the logistics when you get back, till then, I'll see what I can find out. See you two soon, Rex out."

"What is he going to find out? He's as wanted by the Empire as we all are."

A bittersweet smile crosses Ahsoka's face, "Rex has more contacts than one would expect. Some who can retrieve some info about the Empire."

Kanan looks at her incredulously for a moment, before rolling his eyes, "Well, let's hope he can find out where they're holding her."


The moment after he disconnects his comm, he immediately drops his head in his hands, a low gruntish-growl escaping through his lips. He once again picks up his comm, this time contacting some friends who promised they'd help him if he were ever in a bind. "I sure hope you weren't joking, Hunter."

The Clone Captain doesn't have to say anything into the comm, as Echo's voice filters through, "Rex? Everything okay?"

"Unfortunately, no, it's not."

"Guess we shouldn't have expected a social call from you, eh?" Hunter's voice resounds.

"I wish it was, but we got big problems."

"That seems to be a recurring theme for you," Tech says.

The Clone Captain rolls his eyes, "Look, I just need to know what kind of Imperial chatter you boys have been hearing."

"Why?" Hunter asks.

"A mutual friend of ours has been kidnapped."

He hears the creaking of what he assumes is a chair, and the booming voice of Wrecker says, "Is it the General?"

"Who else could possibly be idiotic enough to surrender themselves to the Empire to protect others?"

"Sounds like Keen. We'll see what we can dig up. Send us a rendezvous, and we'll help you break her out."

"Copy that, Sergeant. Rex out." He tosses the comm onto his bunk, venturing out to try and find Hera, and fill her in on the latest unfolding events.


The Jedi Master lifts her chin, glaring at the Sith Lord, although it's fairly ineffective, seeing as her eyes are covered. There's a burning pain radiating from where Vader had slashed across her ribs and stomach, leaving her tunic in shreds.  "I told you, Obi-Wan is dead, unless you know something I don't. As far as I'm aware, I'm the last surviving member of the Jedi Council...except for maybe you, but I don't think you necessarily count, seeing as you were never a Master."

"No matter what you say, I know you're hiding something. You know where he is located."

"Yeah sure, and I just haven't told you cause I'm a masochist. You really think I wouldn't tell you, even after all this, Vades?"

"I will break you, and you will tell me what I want to know."

"For Old Republic's sake, Anakin! Break me? After all the torture you've subjected me to in the past year, you really think I wouldn't have told you what I know, if I even knew anything at all? I mean, I already knew you were a mass murderer\serial killer sadist with a God complex, not to mention a tyrannical fascist, what I wasn't aware of was that you are a complete grakking idiot!" she spits, tugging on the metal cuffs holding her arms in place in the cell made of energy, "Oh, wait, I did know that."

She can feel his anger reach a crescendo and can feel his presence leave the room. Keen continues to glare at the door, before finally settling on meditating. The cell the Imps have her locked in is down a hallway all by itself, completely silent, save the sound of the energy holding her body elevated in the air, and the sound of the engines whirring. It's very easy for the Jedi Master to tune the distractions out, settling deeply into the Force until it's difficult to discern one from the other.

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