Chapter Twenty

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A couple hours later the rest of the rebels arrive. Almost immediately they all notice the missing Phantom. "Where are the kids?" Kanan shouts, as he enters the Ghost.

"Don't know," the Jedi replies with a shrug. She's practically laying on a crate in the cargo hold, Rex sitting nearby on another.

"What, and you didn't think to contact us after you found that out?"

"It's not as if they were kidnapped," Rex starts. "They're coming back, so we weren't that worried."

"Great," he rolls his eyes. "We fail to find any generators, and lose two members of our crew."

Keen smiles slightly, just as the Phantom swoops in, latching onto the Ghost. From out of the ship stumbles a strikingly familiar Weequay.

The rebels look among themselves, confused. Keen rolls her eyes, standing to her feet, "Oh, you have got to be kriffing with me," she grumbles. As the Weequay moves closer to the hold, she raises her voice, "Hondo Ohnaka, I thought you were dead."

"Quinara," the pirate greets, with outstretched arms. "I thought the same of you, my friend!"

"Since when are we friends? You were always closer with Obi-Wan than with me."

"I'm sorry," Kanan says, lifting both hands, effectively silencing the two. "You two know each other?"

"They met," Rex grumbles, "Clone Wars."

"Yes, yes," Hondo sniffs, "The Clone Wars were very good for business, very good."

"Where are the kids, Hondo? I know you wouldn't hurt them, so where are they?"

"Ah, the Jedi children. Well, that's a long story," he chuckles, as he sets into telling a tale.

The pirate stops talking for a few moments, so Kanan takes the opportunity to once again try and ascertain the location of the Padawans.

Hondo laughs, "Well, wait. I'm not done. Then they let Vizago out! The villain was upon us, I'm telling you! But young Ezra and Leia, they stood tall in front of me and withstood a massive atta–" From behind the Weequay, Ezra, Leia, and Chopper climb up the ramp. A smile skirts across Keen's face. Hondo turns his head, seeing the two Padawans. He immediately wraps an arm around their shoulders, chuckling, "My friends! I was just talking about you. How you and I rescued the generators from the evil Vizago."

"Yeah," Ezra grumbles, shrugging the arm off his shoulder, "that's not true. You stole the generators and our ship."

Leia shoves Hondo's arm away from her, walking over to the rest of the rebel crew. The pirate gasps, faking offense at Ezra's words, "What an accusation! You wound me!"

"Chopper had the Phantom on autopilot," Leia easily explains to the crew.

"Well, that's another version of the story, I suppose," the pirate sniffs, walking towards the exit. "I'll tell you what. You can keep my generators. They are my gift to you. Goodbye!" as he walks out of the ramp, Ezra chasing after him.

As the Weequay and Padawan discuss things on the ramp, Keen gently grabs the sides of her Padawan's neck, looking her over for any sign of injury. "Are you alright, Leia?"

"Yes, Ari. Hondo wasn't a bad guy, just not a good man."

"That's how I'd describe him, he's always been out for himself more than others."

Ezra turns back around to climb into the ship, and Hera smiles at the boy. "Contact Commander Sato. Tell him Ezra Bridger and Leia Organa found his generators."

Ezra and Leia glance at each other, smiling. Kanan descends the ramp, Keen and Leia staying right beside him. Once he arrives at the floor of the of the docking bay, he sighs. "So, you two went for a little spin."

"I was just trying to figure things out."

"And I was helping him to figure these things out."

"And did you?" Kanan asks Ezra, after smiling over at the Princess.

Ezra gazes out at the sky, as he ruminates. Finally, after a few moments spent in slightly awkward silence, he says, "I used to be like Hondo...out for myself and alone. But that's not who I am anymore."

Kanan hums, following his pupils gaze, "You're on a different path now."

"Yeah," he smiles, moving his gaze to Kanan and Keen, "And I have you guys."

"Well," Keen smiles, "I'm glad you two decided on insurrectiongency over piracy. Although, life expectancy is probably the same for both."

"Of course we chose insurrection, we need to save the Galaxy, piracy after," Leia jokes.

"Of course, although, bounty hunting pays way more," Ezra adds.

"Neither of which," Ar'iabel starts, "would look good for a Princess."

Leia looks over at her Master, smiling widely.

"Piracy and bounty hunting aside, you two did good today," Kanan says, placing a hand on each of their shoulders.

"Yeah, like Kanan said, good job. I'm proud of both of you. Now, we've got generators that need to be delivered. Shall we?" the Jedi Master asks, gesturing with her head to the Ghost.

The four Force-sensitives move up, all climbing aboard the ship.

End of Brothers of a Broken Horn

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