Chapter Thirty-Five

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The Ghost crew don't get a minute of reprieve in the next few weeks being sent on mission, after mission. They managed to return to the Phoenix flagship long enough to pick up Leia, and then it was another mission shoved in their hands.

The mission ends with marginal success, having lost another fighter to the Empire. Keen slides into a seat in the cockpit, as Hera brings up a holo-comm with Commander Sato.

"At best, our squadron is at half strength. We're not just losing fighters, we're losing pilots faster than we can replace them," Hera tells him.

"Until we can find a base, we need somewhere to land our fighters," Kanan adds.

"I'm doing my best, trying to make a list of places we could raise a base, but it's difficult as the Empire expands its reach across the Galaxy. I'm about ready to start searching uncharted space for a good planet."

Commander Sato nods, "Perhaps we can solve two problems at once. A rebel cell has reported an Imperial carrier over their world. If we steal that ship, we can use it to house all our fighters. This cell is located in the Ryloth system. "

"Ryloth?" Hera gasps. "I know the cell you're talking about. I'll contact them."

She cuts the comm, standing to leave the cockpit, just as Ezra walks into the room. "You're actually gonna talk to him?" Kanan calls after his Twi'lek lover.

"I don't think we have much choice. We need that carrier." She sadly strolls out of the cockpit, clearly not happy about the turn of events.

"What's wrong with Ryloth?" Ezra asks his Master.

Keen pats the boy on the shoulder as she strolls past him out of the cockpit. She walks purposefully through the ship to her bunk, only to find her Padawan in the middle of the floor, meditating. She stands in the doorway, leaning against the frame for a few moments, just watching her Padawan. Being careful not to disturb her, she steps into the room, gingerly leaping to the bunks, landing gently on the top one.

A while later, the Princess opens her eyes, leaning back on the floor, looking up at her Master, upside down. "Hi, Master."

"Heya, kiddo. How was meditation?"

"Surprisingly enlightening. I still wish you would show me how to use the Force to heal others."

The Jedi rubs a hand down her face, "How many times am I gonna have to repeat myself? You're not ready for that yet. As soon as I think you have enough training, I swear I will show you, Princess."

Leia sighs, pouting slightly, "Fine!"

"I will teach you more. It shouldn't be long until I can show you. You must have patience, my young Padawan."

Leia sighs, nodding. She looks like she's planning on saying more, when the door to the room slides open and Sabine sticks her head into the room. "Kanan told me to tell you we're here."

The Jedi Master grunts, standing from her bunk. "Well, here we go again."

She strolls out of the bunk, down to the cargo bay. Kanan stands nervously fidgeting, rounding the corner to the docking port.

"How do I look?" Kanan asks his Padawan, as he adjusts his tunic.

"Hmm? Same as always. Why?"

Keen places her hands on Kanan's shoulder, leaning over, she whispers, "Looks like someones worried about meeting the parent."

"Shut up," he murmurs, pushing the Jedi Master away from him.

"You can't make me."

Kanan ignores her, instead turning to Ezra, "Straighten up a little bit. You're making me look bad."

"Looks like he found out how to keep you quiet," Leia teases.

"Curses, how could he have known that ignoring me would work!" Keen jokes right back.

"What's the matter with you?" Ezra asks Kanan.

"Nothing. Just calm down."

"You calm down."

Kanan doesn't get to continue the argument, because the door at the top of the corridor slides open, revealing Cham Syndulla, and two other Twi'lek's with him.

"It's been a long time, Father."

Cham smiles at his daughter, moving his gaze over to the Jedi Knight standing beside him. "Ah. You must be the Jedi I heard about."

"Jarrus. Kanan Jarrus," he introduces, whilst bowing. "I've..." he pauses, awkwardly clearing his throat "...heard a lot about you, sir." He bows again, but Cham doesn't bow back, and the Knight straightens once again, " This is the rest of our crew. Ezra," he says, pointing at Sabine,  "Sabine," he points to Zeb, "and Zeb," he finishes, gesturing to Ezra, who just shakes his head in disdain.

Chopper turns, grunting indignantly at the Jedi Knight.

"Yeah, Chop, pretty sure he at least recognizes the two of us."

"General Quinara," the Twi'lek greets. "One doesn't simply forget someone they fought beside. I still cannot thank you enough for what you did for my people."

"We were in a war, it's what any decent person would've done. And, seeing as Kanan seems to have forgotten, this," she says, nudging Leia forward, "is my Padawan, Leia."

Kanan awkwardly rubs his neck, but Cham takes no notice, or at least seems not to, "A fine group of fighters. Cham Syndulla at your service."

Sabine starts, her eyes widening slightly, "The Liberator of Ryloth. I studied your Clone Wars tactics at the Academy."

The Twi'lek general chuckles, nodding, "Yes. The Empire is still trying to figure out how to beat me. These are two of my finest warriors. Numa and Gobi," he gestures to his right, and then his left.

"Well, we should get to the briefing," Hera states, walking off. Kanan turns his head, watching the Twi'lek walk off, and sighs. He follows behind her, the rest of the crew following his lead.

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