Chapter Forty

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Once everyone's done eating, they each begin to move around the ship, gathering up their gear, personal effects. All the leftover food, and water. They each grab an empty pack, filling it with the stuff lying around the ship. Oati and Ember make their way over to the helmets hanging from the zip cord. Without turning to look at them, Ari'abel calls back, "We're taking those plants with us, and that's an order."

Ember looks at his brother, and states quickly, "Sir, yes Sir."

They carefully take the makeshift planters down, tucking them under their arms. Eh walks over, his helmet that is still painted the orange of the 87th battalion sitting securely on his head. Once everyone is ready they venture out onto the planet's dusty surface. Jeff glances up to the precipice of the cavern wall. "How, exactly, are we getting up there? We don't have nearly enough zip cord for that."

Cody sighs, because he knows the answer, but, internally begs that Keen has another option. His worst fears are made manifest when she leaps up, landing just outside the canyon.

Hotrod and Ember are the first to be Force-lifted to liberation by their Jedi Saviour, followed by Oati and Jeff. Cody tries to prepare himself, but he still wasn't ready for the weird sensation of being lifted by an unseen entity.

Once everyone's up, the Jedi Master leads them to where her ship sits, nestled amongst a few outcroppings of rocks. The second Eh's eyes land on the Corundum he smirks. "I remember some good nights aboard this ship."

"Yeah, well. Marginally nice I guess is more accurate."

In mock pain he raises a hand to his chest, and indignantly states, "You wound me."

She rolls her eyes, as she boards her ship. "I got a few more planets to check out, whether or not you want to. You can either stay on the ship, or you can come with, I don't care."

The Troopers glance at each other as she walks onto the ship, and shrug, following her. Getting into the cockpit, the Clones relax. Hotrod leans forward, reaching out for the controls, only to have his hand slapped away by the Jedi. He pulls the hand back, turning to look at Ember with a pout on his face.

Cody rolls his eyes, reaching around the Jedi in the pilot's seat, easing open a compartment. He grabs a laser pen and immediately removes the cap, leaning back to write a quick thank you on the cockpit's ceiling. Keen can sense the confusion from the other Clones gathered around the Marshall Commander. Leaning back in her seat, she half turns her head to address the other boys.

"It was a tradition before each mission that whatever Clones, or Jedi, were on board the ship, they could leave a message. It sort of spread, so that, whether it was a mission or not, I'd always find a Trooper or two writing, or doodling, on the ceiling. Feel free to take advantage of it."

Without further prompting, Hotrod grabs the pen from Cody, shooting up to his feet. He reaches up, carefully leaning over his vode to draw a picture of a Republic Bomber. Eh steps around the others, as they wrestle for the pen, choosing instead to admire all the graffiti he didn't see during the war. Most of the messages are standard things like, 'Wrecker was here' or 'Plo's Bros', one even says '501st is the best'. He smiles, admiring everything, until his eyes land on a drawing in the corner. It's quite large, and detailed, surrounded by small messages. It's a woman with short hair, in what are basically her skivvies, posing,  "Is this a pin-up drawing of you?"

Ari'abel glances at where he stands, "Yeah. Um, CT-5555, or Fives, of the 501st division, was trying to hide from someone, I think it was Cody, or Rex, but it could've been Echo.... Anyway, I guess he thought my ship was the safest place. Must've been here for hours, given how detailed that drawing is." She gestures with her head to it. "Rex was pissed when he saw it, and I'm surprised he didn't shoot Fives. He calls me to my ship, and it's the middle of the night. And when I get to the Corundum, I just stand there as he yells at Fives. Then, dear sweet Rex, he turns to me, and he offers to have Fives scrub it off," She spins around in her chair, facing the other Clones. "But, you know me, Eh, I didn't like ever removing a note, cause, it always made the boys happy to think that someone cared, so, I made a deal with Fives. The drawing can stay, on the condition he adds the funniest mustache he can think of, which is why I have a handlebar mustache in that drawing."

Cody, who had leaned against the wall opposite the art, says, "I'm pretty sure there was more to that deal, though, General."

The Jedi Master quickly spins her chair around to face the Commander, "Look, what Fives chose to wear in the privacy of 79's is his own business. Just don't ask me why the standard punishment for misbehaviour in the 501st was to wear a frilly pink dress. I will deny any, and all involvement."

Jeff was clearly the winner in the fight for the pen, because a mere moment later, he launches to his feet in triumph. Keen watches, as, in a neat, tight scrawl, he writes, 'It was murky, dusty, and sandy, Cody was being a dandy. We crashed our ship, and I almost broke my hip. We thought we were done for, till a Jedi came to our door. She took us away, and we shouted hooray!'

Cody, who had also been watching him write, crosses his arms, grumbling "I am not a dandy!"

"Yes,you are. But it's alright, you're a sweet dandy."

He turns his glare to Keen, "I am not a dandy!"

"Whatever helps you sleep at night."

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