Chapter Seven

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As the duo walk over to the others, they hear Leia say, "Surely you don't want innocents to starve."

"No, of course not," the Lieutenant replies, "Lothal has indeed suffered, as had Alderaan. From what I hear, your ships have an unfortunate habit of falling into rebel hands. I assure you, that won't happen on my watch."

Stormtrooper's walk over to the Alderaanian, hulking pieces of machinery in front of them.

Ezra leans toward Kanan, and, in a hushed voice, asks, "What's that?"

"Gravity locks?" Leia asks, incredulously, "This is hardly necessary."

"I insist. Plus a trooper detachment, and for extra security...." A group of two Imperial Walkers join the large number of Imps in the depot, "Walkers will guard your ships from the rebel insurgency. All for your safety miss."

"It's 'Your Highness.' As my ships are detained I will require your shuttle to begin my work."

"Oh?" Lyste says, recoiling, "Um, my shuttle? Certainly I could arrange for other transport."

"No," Keen states, forcefully. "You heard the princess, your shuttle. We must leave immediately. "

"You two," Leia addresses Kanan and Ezra, "bring those supplies and escort me to the trauma area at once."

"Yes, ma'am. Right away," Kanan says, grabbing a crate, Ezra grabbing the other one. They push the two crates onto the shuttle, Leia and Keen following them up the ramp.

Leaving the boxes, the four rebels approach the cockpit, Kanan sitting down in the pilot's seat, removing his helmet. Keen sits down beside him, Leia and Ezra standing neside the two Jedi.

As soon as the shuttle is in the air, the Knight turns to face the others, "I hate to say it, but whoever came up with this plan severely underestimated the Empire's security."

Leia looks down guiltily, and mumbles, "I'm sorry."

"Don't be. It's not your fault," Kanan reassures her.

"Yes, it is. This was my plan."

"Listen to Kanan, he's smarter than he looks, Princess. It was a good plan, until it wasn't. We'll just have to improvise, something this crew excels at."

"We need those ships. Why didn't you just hand them off to us in deep space?" Ezra grumbles, ignoring Keen's words.

"You don't understand," Leia shakes her head furiously, "It's not that simple. If the Empire could prove Alderaan provided ships to the rebels we'd lose our seat in the Senate and be charged with treason. But if they're stolen on a planet controlled by the Empire...."

"Alderaan would be blameless. Have to admit, that was a good plan," Kanan finishes.

"Well, now we need a new one."

"Don't worry, they'll think of something, they always do," Keen tells her in a hushed voice. Over the comm comes Chopper's frantic whirs.

"Yeah, what is it, Chopper?" Ezra shouts into the comm. After some more chattering and grunting from the droid, he shouts once again, "Stormtrooper's?"

Kanan doesn't hesitate in swinging the ship around. Leia grabs onto the wall, looking toward Keen. "Change of plans?" she asks the Knight.

"Yeah," he mutters, landing the shuttle. Through the viewscreen, she can see Chopper waving, while a man is held by some Stormtrooper's.

"Friends of yours?" Leia asks Kanan.

"Not for much longer, by the look of things," he replies, shaking his head at the scene in front of him.

"What are we going to do?"

He smirks at her, tugging the helmet over his head, "This time, you follow my lead."

The Knight leaps from his chair, and walks out of the ship, Keen shaking her head while following him, Ezra and Leia behind them.

Once they round the ship, facing the Troopers, Chopper wheels out from behind one's legs, grunting frantically.

"This is a secure site. State your business."

"I'm taking the princess ambassador, as well as her tutor, here on a scouting mission for possible refugee relocation," Kanan states.

"This is not a safe area for you. There's a high level of rebel activity happening at the moment."

"Well," the Knight states, "we're finishing our survey. We could take these prisoners back to Jalath for you."

"That won't be necessary," the Stormtrooper responds, "We have orders to terminate one of them immediately."

Keen reaches for her Padawan's shoulder, trying not to have her draw attention to herself.The princess jerks her arm out of the grip, storming forward, "Hold on a minute. As a representative of the Senate I demand to know what this man has done."

"He's a fugitive from an Imperial prison. Now, depart immediately for your own safety. Where you find one rebel, there are usually more."

Chopper wheels out from behind the Stormtrooper's leg. His antenna spins in a circle on his dome. "Chopper's receiving a signal," Kanan says leaning toward Chopper.

"You know what that means," the Padawan responds, "Hera's here."

Through the clouds, the Ghost comes flying. The guns blasting from the turrets. The Troopers turn, firing at the ship, as it lands.

"More friends of yours?"

Ar'iabel smiles as the ships lands, and says, "Yes, they most definitely are."

"What can I say, I'm a likable guy," Kanan adds. He grabs the man, ducking down behind the Imperial shuttle, "You're coming with me."

"Your friends might shoot you wearing that armour," the man comments.

Kanan opens his mouth to say something, but Keen reaches a hand out, "Keen, nice to meet you."

"Ryder Azadi, same to you."

"You know, that's not a bad idea, Governor. Take the Princess hostage."

"What?" he protests.

"If I'm seen escaping with you, I'll be labeled a traitor. You have to take me prisoner. What about Ari?"

It takes Kanan a few moments to figure out who 'Ari' is, as Keen says, "Don't worry, I've got that covered."

"Well, you better make it look good. I'll warn Sabine."

Azadi grabs the Princess by the arm, tugging her across the field to the Ghost, a blaster to her side.

"Hold your fire!" Kanan shouts, running in front of the Stormtroopers, "She's my responsibility! I'll get her back!"

Keen runs for the ship, shouting after her Padawan. She's acting as a worried teacher, and not a Jedi Master. She reaches the Ghost, and Zeb reaches for her. "Woah, no, no, Zeb wait–" The Lasat knocks her unconscious.

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