Chapter 1

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Gulf POV

Mew and I headed out of the restaurant hand in hand, both had wide smiles plastered on our faces. I was happy, and Mew showed that he is happy too. While we were going towards the car I heard someone calling me.

"Gulf?" We both turned around to see who it was, "oh my god I never thought I would see you again... Arghh Mew... You too?" It was Sammy.

Sammy came running towards me, by instinct I knew that she was going to give me a rib crushing hug, Mew just smiled and let go of my hand and just like I predicted Sammy hugged me tightly. She pulled away and then hugged Mew, she held both of our hands in both of her hands while she jumped and showed how happy and excited she was to meet us.

"Are you two together? Tell me you are together" she is squealing but I don't feel embarrassed when others give us weird looks, I just feel loved.

A month ago I would be extremely nervous if Sammy showed up in front of me like this. But it's not the same case anymore. Techno, Champ, Mew everyone knows about me, it would just be unfair if Sammy did not know. I am still not ready to tell every detail of my life to her, but I am happy that somehow she found me and is holding my hand right now.

"You two are together right?" She asks again, I look at Mew and he smiles at me.

"We are" I say

"Arrrgghhhh" she yells making our ears ring, but we still smile at her cute antics "Yacht, mommy I told you right... I told you they will end up together" she leaves our hand and runs up to Yacht who was walking with a middle aged woman a few meters behind.

"Hey... It's really you?" Yacht asked me and I just smiled in return "Sammy really missed you, she speaks to Techno and Champ very often, and I guess she even spoke to Mew a few times, but you Gulf... It's been around ten months but she would still speak about how cute you and Mew looked together, how quickly you both connected and blah blah blah" Yacht finished

"Shut up it's not blah blah blah, I really meant everything I said" Sammy refuted

I feel warm as she still remembers me and I was not wrong at all when I decided to trust her.

"Sammy you have no idea how much I have missed you" I said

"Oh stop kidding me, I know you would have forgotten me" Sammy teased

"Aow... I swear, I think about you every day" I said pretending to sulk "ask P'Mew if you want" I wanted her to believe me and wanted Mew to be honest.

"He is right" Mew said and I felt happy as he is backing me "Just like Sammy Gulf also rants non stop about how he wished he had a sister like Sammy and blah blah blah" Mew ended and I am offended.

I stare at him, I cannot believe he just said that, how dare he tease me. He put one arm around my shoulder and continued to laugh with Yacht. I can't help but calm down, he likes to tease me I guess, I will have my way with him later.

"Is anyone going to introduce me to these young boys?" Said the middle aged woman who I am guessing is Sammy's mother. I don't not need to reconsider that guess as Sammy and her mom look exactly the same, the same height, same skin tone, same hair. Except for the age difference, both of them looked like carbon copies.

"Mom, this is Gulf and this is Mew. We all met each other on the trip, you remember when I told you about them. It is them, and now they are together" Sammy said with full of energy. I wouldn't doubt if she jumps around the same way the whole night and would still have energy to do so throughout the day.

"Sawadee krub" I and Mew say in unison

"Sawadee ja" she said " how can I not remember, when you talk about them every. single. day" she lets out a small laugh while high fiving Yacht.

Looks like Yacht and Sammy's mother always team up when it comes to teasing Sammy.

"Yeah yeah whatever" Sammy rolls her eyes

"I think we both were the same all this time, I missed you and you missed me. We just didn't meet each other" I took Sammy's side, because I felt like she was being teased a lot.

Sammy stood in between Mew and I hand crossed both her arms with ours. " See I have two people to support me now" Sammy said and stuck out her tongue.

"Wait wait" Yacht started "okay... I agree Gulf supports you, but Mew? How can he be on your side?" He asked

"Mew is in whatever side Gulf is in... Right Mew?" Sammy and I both looked at Mew with puppy eyes. Mew looked at both of us with an extended stare. I don't know what he sees in both of our faces he just seem to scan both our faces.

"P'Mew~" I call out.

He snaps out, a moment later he chuckles and says "okay okay... I am in whatever side Gulf is in" and Sammy stands tall in between us.

"Mew... man seriously, it would have been fun if we were in the same side" Yacht complains

"It's okay Yacht, they look like a new couple. Hubby should always abide by his wifey's rules, haha right Mew" Sammy's mother said

Both of us turn slightly red, like mother like daughter, both of us know how to tease us, Sammy's mother is fun to be around, I like her.

"Heh heh... Umm yes krub" Mew answers shyly.

"Aow... Call me mom, both of you, that's what Yacht calls me"

"Krub Mom," Mew said.

"Okay then you boys, go ahead have fun. And don't forget to come home sometime na~" she said before leaving

"Gulf, we should all have a reunion, let's all meet up..." Sammy suggests

"Okay ... Let's meet up at the cafe where Techno works" I said

"Techno? You know where he works ? You both are in contact?"

"Er ... Yes"

"Is it only me that you did not speak to?"

"Well, Techno works at the cafe near my home and Mew stays right next to me so it was all a coincidence"

"Wait wait...I hate Techno for not telling me about you and hold up... You both stay next to each other? What are the odds?"

"Haha yeah"

"Okay then, tomorrow, the coffee shop where Techno works as" she said while she was being dragged by Yacht and Yacht just waved us goodbye

We both waved back and we left the place with a heart full of happiness.

[A/N] Everything will click back in the right places after this, and yaaay Sammy met Gulf. 

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