Chapter 10

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Dedicated to dhaara88

Third POV

"Who did this?" Tanet asked Dylan who was present in the hospital room where Gulf is now admitted.

"I am guessing it's the same students who bullied Kim... And they already had enmity towards you and Khun Thiwat... They are the same boys whom you expelled from school" Dylan replied very formally.

"How dare they do this to my son? I made the management expel them because they had to learn a lesson and know what it is like to mess with a Phawattakun. Hmph... They still dare to do this." Tanet scoffed, from the time he entered the room he kept on looking at his son who had been lying on the bed unconscious, with an oxygen mask on.

"They are not the only one's, a girl named Bella is also involved, I think she is behind all the planning. And she is the one who accused Kim on sexual harassment."

"Kim? Is he Ashton's son?"


"Hmm what exactly happened? tell me everything from start to end"

"Kim heard few of his classmates planning on bullying Khun Thiwat, he tried to stand up for him and got into a fight with that gang, Bella wanted revenge on Kim so she accused him. Kim was suspended and I reached out to him and assured him that I can help him out. Kim suddenly got a call and he rushed out saying he had to go to uni to collect some important notes, when I was leaving his condo I met with Khun Thiwat. He was there to meet Kim, I told him that he went to the campus so he left to find him immediately, a while later I got a call from Kim saying he is in trouble. My car broke down so I had to ask Khun Thiwat's neighbour Mew for help, few minutes after we reached the campus we heard a loud blast. We ran in that direction and when we reached the spot the room was burning from the inside, there was fire and smoke. Khun Thiwat tried breaking the door open from inside, but he fainted inside due to lack of oxygen. Kim got out first, I did not realize at that time that Khun Thiwat was actually inside all along. Mew stepped in and carried Khun Thiwat, who was unconscious. I helped them get out and as soon as all of us were in a distance the roof of that room collapsed." Dylan explained what all he knew.

"Hmm, no one else was hurt?" Tanet asked still looking at his unconscious son.

"No sir, since today is a Sunday, not many students where on campus and none where in the building"

"What happened to Kim?"

"He is conscious sir, but he is admitted in the same hospital for observation"

"Who is this Mew?"

"He is Khun Thiwat's neighbour sir" Dylan said without hesitating

"You sure it's only that?"

"Krub" Dylan lied, he knew both of them were more than just neighbours.

"Okay... Just help him out if he wants anything"


"How come his mother is still not here?" Tanet asked curiously

"I don't think anyone informed them yet sir"

"Ashton's boy did not inform them?"

"No sir, Kim is not on talking terms with his parents"

"Where is that boy Saint?"

"I don't know sir, I haven't seen him at all, he is nowhere to be found"

"Hmm strange... They never leave each other's side, anyhow it's not necessary to let his mother know, she will make a fuss out of it, I will take care of this matter myself and I will make sure that those punks never touch my son again" Tanet said through gritted teeth and balled fists, his eyes were red with anger but it also had concern for his son.

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