Chapter 23

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Third POV

It was now three months since Gulf and Mew started going out together. Tanet had officially announced his engagement and wedding date to everyone. Sammy and Yacht were officially a thing and Kim and Dylan were just... something, they were still figuring out their relationship.

Saint still hadn't returned and Dylan reported to Tanet that he was nowhere to be found... Tanet again scolded Gulf for informing them so late and Gulf was even more angry but mostly he was upset and worried to the core thinking about his cousin... But no one told anyone else about this because obviously they were going to panic and Tanet did not want everyone to scold Gulf the way he did.

Zee was lying on the couch in Gulf's condo because that's where he lived now. He had his action figure in his hand, he had informed granny that it was actually his and he had given it to Saint that day. She couldn't believe that it was Zee all along, she just allowed Zee to take it with him.

He was just looking at it back and forth and it was in the same condition as the day he lost it, it was good as new even though it was about 15 years old.

Zee heard the main door knob unlocking, he just laid there without moving thinking it had to be Gulf, the person who entered the room couldn't see Zee because the couch was facing the other side. But the footsteps travelled across the room and the door to Saint's room was now turning, Zee immediately sat up

"Saint" he yelled

"What the fuck? P'Zee what are you..."

Zee had run towards Saint who had appeared after 3 whole months and was now in front of him.

"Saint... You're here .. you're finally here" he said and kept peppering kisses all over Saint's face.

He first looked at him after he stopped kissing and held his face with both hands, he had the hulk in one hand while holding Saint's face and Saint's eyes were only looking sideways as he wanted to have a look at what Zee was holding.

Saint's hair was was as if he had a buzz cut and he was tanned, he had few scratches here and there on his body but he was fine... He was alive... Zee again hugged him tight as though leaving him for one more second and he might disappear again.

"Are you hurt somewhere? How did you get all these scratches? Where were you? What happened to your hair? What happened to your skin?" Zee kept asking questions almost crying out of joy and worry

"P'Zee... Where did you get this? That's from my room back in my grandparents house isn't it? How did you get it? Who gave you the permission to take it ? Give it back... It doesn't belong to you" Saint completely ignored every question which was asked to him and he asked his own set of questions after looked at the hulk in Zee's hand

Zee just held it back trying to not Saint touch it and he kissed Saint on the lips while Saint was trying to get it. Saint froze on spot, but responded by moving his lips and closing his eyes. His hands stopped struggling and he clutched onto Zee's T-shirt near his chest, Zee brought his hand closer and pulled Saint closer to him. Both were breathing heavily while kissing each other, Zee finally broke the kiss and placed his forehead on Saint's as they caught their breath. Zee tried to run his fingers through Saint's hair but it wasn't long enough for that.

"That..." Saint started "that doesn't belong to you P'Zee... give it back"

"Saint... This is mine"

"What ? It's not possible... It can't be you"

Saint slightly pushed Zee away to maintain some distance because he didn't believe himself to not kiss the handsome man whom he truly loved and missed for the last three months

Promise to Believe/ [MewGulf] Book 3Where stories live. Discover now