Chapter 2

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Third POV

Zee went in search of Saint. It became like a hobby for him to find Saint, sometimes have food with him, drive him and Gulf to uni and back. But they somehow always end up fighting, it is either Saint who starts the fight because Zee takes Kim's side or Zee because Saint never agrees to whatever he says about Kim.

They fought mostly because of Kim. Both knew, they knew they liked each other but none took the initiative to ask the other out for a date or anything like that. But right now Zee missed Saint a lot, his brother went out on a date with Gulf, he wanted to be with his Bunny. Zee yearned so much just for Saint to smile at him the way he used to but the only reaction Zee gets from Saint is a frown.

Zee was looking around the library and then he found him. He found Saint, he was trying hard to concentrate on whatever he is reading. Zee picked a random book and sat at the same table as Saint's. Saint looked up and saw Zee taking a seat in front of him.

"What are you doing here P'Zee?" Saint asked a little irritatingly

"Why? Isn't this a Public library ? Zee asked in a matter of fact tone

"The whole library is empty, you could have literally sat anywhere. Why here?"

Zee looked around and it was indeed only them in the whole library. Zee checked his watch at 7:25.

"Why are you here anyway? The library will close in 5 minutes" Zee asked

Saint scoffed with an annoyed expression, that slightly caused a pang in Zee's chest. Right now all he wished for was Saint to smile at him, but he was afraid that would never happen. Zee thought if he had really messed up the chances he had with Saint, it was Zee who first hated Saint to the core, now it was the other way around. And that's what raised Zee's courage scale up and make a move first.

They just sat there for 5 minutes and then the staff came to announce that the library is closing. Saint took the pile of books and papers in his hand, as he did not bring any bag with him. He stumbled a little bit as he tried to balance all his stuff.

"Let me help you" Zee said

"I don't need your help"

"Saint... Please, let me help you, I don't see what's wrong with that"

"Huh, fine take half of it and I will take the other half"

Zee smiled internally, they walked to their building. When they reached Saint's condo only then Saint realised that he doesn't have a key and Gulf is not at home to open the door for him.

"Urrggh, I don't have a key" Saint groaned

"Why are you always so forgetful?" Zee said

"It would be really nice if you shut up"

"Hey, what did I do? I just said you are forgetful"

"I don't need you to tell that to me, can you please drop my stuff on the floor and leave"

Zee did not like the tone which was used by Saint, even though that is how they are talking to each other for a while now, today was different, he really intended to be nice to Saint and this is what he gets. Zee just did as Saint said and stormed off.

5 minutes later, Zee still can't stop thinking about Saint, his desire to make up with the other boy was way too strong. He just couldn't sit there when he knew Saint doesn't have a key and Gulf hasn't returned yet. He went out to check on Saint only to find there was no Saint by the door.

Zee ran up and down the building in search of Saint, and he finally found him on the roof. Zee walked towards the one who was sitting on the ground surrounded by books and papers.

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