Chapter 22

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Third POV

The party was almost over all the guests were leaving but the family and friends stayed till the end, the newly added members were answering all the questions possible which was asked by the elder and Techno, Champ and Kaownah started teasing and mimicking each one of their friends actions. Kim took Dylan to a side and no one saw them after that.

Zee was sitting there alone just thinking what Saint would be doing now and what would have Saint done on the porch he was standing when he lived here. He was suddenly approached by granny and he was caught off-guard

"So you're really not Saint's Boyfriend?"

"Umm no granny, as I told before we are still just friends"

"Still?... Does that mean there is a possibility?"

"I wish Granny..." Zee just faked a smile

"I hope Saint takes the right decision, I wouldn't mind if it was you to be with him"

"So you are okay with me being with Saint?"

"I guess, you look handsome and strong... I believe that you will be able to protect him"

Zee was flattered and he just smiled.

"Son... Please tell me where my baby is..." Granny sounded desperate, she was clutching onto Zee's arm tightly and she looked like she was gonna cry "my other grandson is not telling me where he is, please tell me... I will not tell him that you told me"

"Granny ... I really don't know" Zee wished he could say that but he immediately changed the sentence to "I really don't know why you are so worried, he has gone to camp with his club" that's what Gulf had told Zee to tell if in case anyone asks him.

"Please don't hide the truth from me... Please" she was already crying "I know Saint and he is not the one to go camping and all, haha that boy is lazy he won't do anything that makes him sweat" Granny was chuckling and crying at the same time. She was hurt and she didn't want Zee to feel bad for her.

"Granny... It's possible that he would have changed, he might like to do all that active stuff now"

"I don't want him to change... I want him to stay like how he was when he was four years old... The same innocent baby" she was now hugging Zee with her head in his chest and Zee was trying so hard not to tell the truth and not to cry

"Granny, as soon as he comes back... I will personally bring him here to you"

"You will? Promise me that you will"

"I promise"

"He is the only child of my son, he is the living proof that my son and my daughter-in-law were once alive... I raised Saint just like how I raised Malee and my son. To be honest we spoilt him more than necessary, do you know he makes this face when he wants something done?"

"Haha I know granny" Zee said while remembering Saint's sulky face the first time he saw him in their condo.

"I cannot live if something happens to him, we all love him so much and I can't believe that he missed this party even though I wanted him to be here so badly"

"Granny... Can you tell me how he was as a child after his parents passed away? How did he handle it... he never told me that"

Granny started walking into the house and Zee followed.

"That is the one day I never want to remember"

"If you don't want to say then it is fine"

"It is fine...I will tell"

Promise to Believe/ [MewGulf] Book 3Where stories live. Discover now