Author's Note

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So that is a wrap guys, The 'Fate brings us together' the series ends here. I honestly did not think I would finish writing this story when I first started it. Writing was always out of my comfort zone and I always thought I will never get better at it, but now I don't see myself not writing anymore. I will come back with more stories, but shorter ones and I will be taking a break from MewGulf stories for a while (just a while). 

I hope this story stirred up the same emotions within you just like I felt when I was writing, This story was definitely longer than I expected, still I feel I have done justice to it. I know I am still learning and improving and was my first story so I honestly did not expect this kind of response from you all. 

I don't know how I might feel few years down the line reading this, I might be proud or I might cringe, I don't know but comment your thoughts about the story and if possible let me know who is your favorite character. Please keep supporting and Happy reading, 

Until next time,


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