Chapter 20

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Third POV

A couple of days later Gulf was summoned by his father to Phawattakun residence, he was told by Dylan that his father had something very important to tell him. The whole car ride he kept on thinking about what would be the important matter that his Por wanted to tell. But more than that he was thinking about his conversation with Zee . Mew made them sit and talk it out, he did not want the two most important people to fight with each other. They both spoke without getting angry and Zee agreed on not finding Saint and Gulf agreed to find Saint if he is missing for another month. And both of them agreed on showing Saint that he is indeed cared about and he is not worthless when he comes back, they wanted to show him in everything they do.

He reached Phawattakun residence and directly walked in the direction of his father's office because that was the place to talk about anything 'important'. He knocked and his father's voice asked him to come in and he did. When he opened the door they were two other people in the room and both were the ladies who Gulf knew very well and it just confused him on why Sammy and her mother are in his Por's office.

"Swadee krub" he greeted everyone and waved a hai to Sammy who returned it with the usual cheerfulness.

"Gulf..." Tanet started "We want to tell you something... Important"

Gulf looked at everyone in the room and just nodded

"This is going to be awkward" Sammy mumbled but it was loud enough for everyone to hear it.

"Sammy ...shhh" Katrina hushed

"Sorry" Sammy said bashfully "so who is going first?" She asked and looked at both of them who were suddenly interested in their shoes. So she decided to start. "Gulf..." She called out and walked towards him and held his shoulders.

"Umm .. what's going on?" Gulf asked

"Huh... Gulf... remember our talk in Phuket?"

"Umm yes"

"By the pool?"

"Er ... partially I guess"

"Do you remember when we spoke about how comfortable we feel around each other like... You know like we're family"

"Yes ...I remember telling you that it would be nice to have a sister like you"

"And do you mean that?"

"Of Course I do... Sammy what's going on?... Why are you asking me that?"

"Because Gulf... I think we are really family"

Gulf's eyes widened and he looked at his father and Katrina.

"Is this true?" he asked his father

Tanet smiled, he wasn't ashamed of claiming Sammy as his daughter. But Katrina was visibly shifting in her seat, she did not want to let go of the one opportunity to be with her love again, if Gulf does not approve of this, it's going to be trouble for everyone.

"Sammy ... Is your elder sister, son" Tanet let out and the next second Gulf's face broke into a bright smile and he couldn't believe it.

"Really... Is ... Is she your love from uni?"

"Yes... And Gulf" Tanet walked towards Katrina's seat and made her stand up by holding her shoulders "this is Katrina... My only true love and Sammy's mother, she is girlfriend" Tanet looked into Katrina's eyes when he said the last sentence.

"Oh my god I'm so happy" Gulf said

"Arrrgghh ... I am happy too" Sammy squealed and held Gulf's and and jumped.

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