Chapter 15

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Gulf POV

I hailed a cab and quickly reached Phawattakun residence, I believed every single word Mew said. As those were the exact words I have always imagined, Por to tell me.

"I am sorry," the words Mew said which was said by Por resounded in my ear throughout the cab ride.

"I always loved you, and I always will... Because you are my only son, my reason to survive, I just don't know how to express that love to you."

I couldn't handle it... I am so happy... I am crying and smiling at the same time.

" I wanted you to be the strongest and the most important and fierce person, I thought you would look up to me and learn from me, but all I did was scare you."

I just want to go home right now and talk to him, if he behaves like what Mew said I am ready to forgive him and listen to anything he tells me.

I stood outside and saw Por sitting on the leather couch in the living room. He was working on some paperwork, I panted and tried to hold the doorframe to balance myself, I was so excited I came running as fast as I could. He looked up and noticed me, he stood up and his face had a different expression than usual, it showed... concern. But he did not tell anything and it looked like he did not know what to tell.

I stepped in and slowly walked towards him. He just stood there not knowing what to do. "Was it you?" I asked.

"Er... I don't know what you are talking about" he said

"You know very well what I am talking about... Were you the one who pressed charges against those people?"

"I think you already know about that if you know me well, of course it's me... No one can do that to a Phawattakun"

"If you were so concerned about your family name, why did you not reveal our identity and tell everyone that the Tanet Phawattakun the CEO of Phawattakun corporation was the one to press charges? Why did you not reveal that Thiwat Phawattakun was the one to be trapped and bullied?"

"I don't want your image to spoil... You are the next CEO after all"

"Then why did you not do the same all those years ago ?? Why did you make sure that everyone gets to know what exactly happened?"

"That... Tha... You were small... It did not matter then"

"You are lying... you are changed... What made you change? You would literally grab any chance to make others feel miserable... You would grab any chance to make yourself feel powerful"

"I don't know what to say... except I am ashamed" Por said and looked at the floor.

I was beyond shock because this is too abrupt... I did not know someone can change overnight like this... what the hell is happening?

"I am sorry... My son"

I could feel tears pricking my eyes and I could see Por's eyes filling up to the brim as well... I don't understand... Am I getting played?? Did P'Mew get played by Por? Did Por know that P'Mew was in the room all along and tricked him to think that Por actually likes me ? Is this all for real? Did Por really call me 'my son' ? I'm confused, I don't know what is happening.

"Gulf?" Por called out making me further confused

"Tha... That's me" I replied suggesting that I like him calling me that way.

"I am sorry son, I was consumed by greed. There was a time in my life when I felt too hopeless I hated that feeling and I never want to face that feeling ever again... That's why all I wanted was people to fear me and by that I felt powerful. Now I know how stupid I was to be that way and make the one person who really mattered to me feel afraid of me as well"

Promise to Believe/ [MewGulf] Book 3Where stories live. Discover now