Chapter 17

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Third POV

Sammy and Yacht were in the kitchen trying to peep and have a look at and hear what they two middle aged people are doing in the living room right now. Dylan opted to stand out as he knew they had to talk about some personal stuff and Tanet and Katrina sat in the living room facing each other.

Katrina glared at Tanet as though telling him that he is not welcome here. And Tanet looked around the small house but spacious enough for a mother and a daughter to stay.

"How did you find me?" Katrina asked and Tanet looked at her to give a reply.

"Sammy ... She came home with Gulf, I saw her and I immediately knew she had to be your daughter and I made my men run a background check on her" Tanet answered honestly and Katrina turned towards the kitchen and gave a deadly glare to Sammy who pulled her head back immediately and hid behind the door.

Katrina turned to face Tanet and said "you shouldn't have made the effort to find us"

"I have never stopped looking for you" Tanet said sincerely and everyone could see Katrina internally turning melting due to her love's words. She gained back her posture immediately and mentally slapped herself reminding herself to act according to her age and not fall in a trap like a young girl.

"I have been here from the beginning, your parents must know about it" Katrina said sarcastically

"Oh...okay" Tanet did not know how to reply to that as he was feeling guilty and hated his parents for treating his beloved Katy the way they have, but he couldn't dig up their grave and yell at them for it. "Why are you staying here? In this poor condition, you were one of the top students in our batch, you could have easily gotten any high paid job. Why are you living here?"

"This is the house I inherited from my parents, I don't want to renovate it as I want to keep their memory alive and don't think so low of me, I have been working and not to mention I am rich. I have provided my daughter with everything any rich parent could and I am proud that I brought her up alone without a man's help. Huh... I think I am rich enough to buy the property which you are staying right now" Katrina said with pride, sarcasm and hate filled in her tone. She had her legs and arms crossed and it made her look even more sophisticated.

"I will never think low of you" Tanet shook his and defended himself hoping not to offend Katrina. " And the house ... It's yours"


"The house ... You don't have to buy it, it is your, it has always been and always will be"

"Huh...yeah right, that's what you promised me when we were in uni and the nerve for you to say that when you are married with a son and not to mention your parents. What did they tell me again?" Katrina was angry and she let out everything that she wanted to tell Tanet for all these years considering if they ever meet again. But she did not realise that each word she is telling is like hundred thorns pricking his heart.

"They told me I was poor, with no proper family background who is only behind their son for his money, they branded me as a Gold digger and humiliated me. Do you know why I did not come back to you even after my parents died ? Because my ego did not let me, and I did not want my daughter to grow around people like your parents, I wanted to prove myself and become worthy of you and then come to you, but as time went by I knew... No matter how much I worked hard, or how much I earned, it will never be enough for your parents because they never saw me as a human, all that mattered to them was my family's background" Katrina was speaking through her tears and sobbing hard, she reached for the tissue paper box on the coffee table but before she could touch it, a paper was drawn out from the box and was handed to her by Tanet. Katrina took a look at it and snatched the paper away from his hand.

Tanet waited for Katrina to calm down, after she was he slowly started. "I am sorry, I did not know you had to go through all that"

"Oh you had no idea what I had to go through" Katrina said sarcastically

"I wish I could ask my parents about every single thing and I wish I could question them about why the hell they would treat you like that. But I am sorry, because they are not alive anymore" the guilt and sorrow was evident in Tanet's eyes as he was struggling to talk through his tears while choking as well.

Katrina was utterly in shock as she did not expect this twist, she wanted to take back everything she said about his parents and wanted to apologise. But she just sat there with wide eyes. She felt guilty for talking like that about the dead and she felt bad about not being there beside during the death of his parents.

Right at that moment Sammy came out of the kitchen with two glasses of water, handed one to her mother and one to Tanet and immediately ran away. Tanet slightly smiled looking at Sammy.

"I am sorry" Katrina said in a soft voice while looking at the floor.

"It's okay..." Tanet said after sipping some water "I questioned myself for years about what went wrong between us and why would you disappear suddenly, I think I needed to hear that. I always thought you were unreasonable for abandoning me, but now I understand why you did it, I understand"

"When did it happen?" Katrina asked, still looking at the floor.

"It's been more than a decade, they did not even make it for my son's 3rd Birthday. And about my family, I never loved her. I was forced to marry her and I was forced to produce an heir, that's why everything happened. I swear Katy I had no say in it, I was desperate for someone to listen to me but no one did. And after I had some power I started treating both of them very badly, I couldn't bear to watch them rule the house in who's place you and our child were supposed to be. I know I was stupid to do that, But Malee and I divorced several years ago and only recently did I reconcile with my son. Sammy knows my son as Gulf."

"Gulf is your son?"

"You know him?"

"We have met in passing one day along with his boyfriend"


"Oh... I think that slipped out, nevermind that"

Katrina acted as if she made a big mistake and tried to cover it up like how she used to do back when they were young, Tanet smiled when he realised that Katrina's has not changed at all.

"What are you smiling at?" Katrina asked with her eyes narrowed and hands folded. She was already forgiving him little by little as now she realised that nothing was holding her back from finally being with her love.

"Nothing" Tanet tried to wipe the smile of his face.

"It better be nothing" she said and smiled a little. Which was noticed by Tanet.

"Oh yes ... The most important thing, I have a daughter" Katrina informed

"I know" as though it was obvious

"Sammy is my biological daughter"

"I know Katy"

"Don't you have a problem with that?"

"Why would I possibly have a problem with that? The moment I saw Sammy I knew that there was some connection between us, when it was confirmed that she is indeed your daughter, she became my daughter too. What belongs to you, belongs to me as well"

Katrina started sobbing as this was not the reunion she ever imagined, she expected Tanet to find them and question about whose child it is and then leave them again when he did not believe Katrina's words. But this was real, Katrina did not agree to reconcile with Tanet yet, but practically they never broke up so Tanet was still acting like they were already together and Katrina did not deny that.

"Katy please don't cry", Tanet said and walked to Katrina and sat beside her while throwing a protective arm around her shoulder to calm her down.

"You don't want to know who her father is ?" Katrina asked

"I heard that you are single right now, and that is what is most important for me, to be honest I really don't want to know about your ex, but unless you want to tell me"



"Sammy is your daughter"

Promise to Believe/ [MewGulf] Book 3Where stories live. Discover now