Chapter 19

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Third POV

The next day Mew and Gulf were watching a movie in Mew's condo. It was bright outside, Gulf was in pain but Mew was running around doing any kind of service his love needed. Mew gave the other a bath, cooked and fed him by his own hands, he did whatever Gulf asked for like snacks, juice, cuddles, kisses everything. Mew was kind of feeling guilty that he was too rough on Gulf last night, but when he saw Gulf's satisfied smile early in the morning when they woke up next to each other that feeling disappeared.

Gulf couldn't sit properly and watch the movie so he decided to rest his head on Mew's lap and lay down on the couch, Mew from time to time kept feeding snacks to him.

"Baby?" Mew called out to the one who's head was on his lap

"Yeah?" Gulf turned and looked at Mew who was looking back at him.

"I forgot to ask... How did it go yesterday? With your father and all?"

Gulf just smiled widely and said. "I think we are good... Finally, Por felt guilty and all. We spoke heart to heart for the first time, without him being intimidating and me being scared. I still have a lot of questions to ask him, probably I will clear up everything with him soon."

Mew felt happy because his baby was happy. He went back to watching the movie and Gulf popped up a question.

"Hmm, P'Mew?"

"Yes baby?" Mew replied

"Yesterday you told me what all Por said to me when I was unconscious in the hospital"

"Yes... What about that?"

"How do you know what he said to me? Were you in the room? Did Por see you? Did you meet him?"

"Err... Gulf, about that..." Mew felt embarrassed and slightly scratched his nape without knowing how to tell his boyfriend that he was afraid of his Por and was in the washroom while he was in the room.

"What happened P'Mew? Did Por say something to you?" Gulf was now sitting trying to ignore his pain.

"Gulf... The thing is I was in the washroom when you're Por visited" Mew wasn't looking into Gulf's eyes when he said that and the next moment Gulf started laughing

"Hahaha.... P'Mew hahahahah"

"What?" Mew expected this reaction, but he wasn't going to let his pride down

"You were hiding from Por, because you were afraid of him hahahahahah"

"What? Noooo ...pffft ...I'm not afraid of him...who said I was afraid?" Mew averted his gaze away from Gulf and folded his arms as though trying to protect himself

"P'Mew hahaha, you're so funny. I mean, I know literally everyone is afraid of him, but you... Haha you went to the extent of hiding in the washroom hahaha" Gulf was clutching his stomach and fell on the couch without being able to control his laughter.

"Hey ...stop it okay..." Mew said while sulking " I did not hide from him, I went to use the washroom the next second he entered the room. I did not mean to overhear what all they were talking about, but I couldn't help it. Why does the walls have to be thin everywhere?"

After hearing that Gulf's ears turned red, he immediately shied away and tried to make some distance between him and Mew, intending for Mew to not see his embarrassed face.

Mew immediately understood that Gulf felt uncomfortable and he tried to make it better.

"Hey, you still feel shy about that?" He asked

"P'Mew, er ... Can we not ...umm talk about that" Gulf said the red was now spreading to his neck.

"Hmm, okay ... I never wanted to tell this to you but, if it makes you feel better... Then..." Mew started

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