Chapter 21

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Third POV

Gulf crossed his arms with Mew and guided him, Zee and Kaownah to the table where his friends were seated.

"Ohh... Mew, here" Champ yelled while waving his hand

"Hai guys, how are y'all been doing?" Mew asked

"Don't ask me dude... Sammy has been pulling me around this whole week for shopping her birthday gown" Yacht said

"Haha, yess She finally gets to live her princess dream" Techno said

"She deserves to be a princess" Gulf said and pointed with his eyes to look at the birthday girl.

They all turned together in unison. They saw Sammy walking down the stairs dressed in a red gown, her hair partially braided and she in fact looked like a Princess. Tanet helped her get down the last few steps and whispered something in his daughter's ear for which she smiled and mouthed a Thank you, she made a conscious effort to not trip on her heels so she held on to her father's arm tightly.

Tanet announced in the mic on the stage which was set on the field, which in front had round tables set under the starry night sky. Tanet announced that Sammy is his daughter with an emotional speech and proceeded to cut the cake. And everyone applauded and wished the birthday girl Happy Birthday.

After sometime, when the crowd's attention wavered from the birthday girl and when they started chit chatting with themselves, either it was about the great achievements of their family members or it was about their business. Sammy was slowly dragged away from the crowd sneakily to a fountain in the backyard where no one was there.

"Yacht what are you doing" Sammy asked

"I just want to tell you something" Yacht said

"Err, I think I should get back to the party"

"No Sammy wait, I don't think I can handle it if I still decide to not tell you about my feelings"

"Yacht are you sure you want to do this"

"Yes... I am sure, I know now you belong to a rich family and all, but I am happy for you, you finally reunited with your father but I am afraid that your lifestyle might change and you may not be friends with me anymore"

"What are you saying Yacht? I am not going to change... I met my father and we moved in with him, it has absolutely nothing to do with me changing and leaving you... I am still the same person"

"No ... Look at yourself, you have changed, I want to tell this to you before you change even more"

"What? How did I change?"

"You ... You look beautiful"

Sammy smiled and looked at Yacht mockingly. "So was I not beautiful before?"

"Huh ..yeah as if, no you weren't you were ugly" Yacht scoffed which was returned with multiple slaps from Sammy on his arms

"You wish" Sammy continued to hit Yacht playfully "you should see your face everytime you see me, you look at me as though there is no better beauty in the world than me"

"Haha ..okay okay ..calm down" Yacht held Sammy's wrists and bought her closer to his chest and hugged her while looking into her eyes.

"No matter how you look... You are always beautiful in my eyes, I've never said this to you because I obviously don't want to be teased by you. But I can't wait anymore, because today you look more beautiful than ever" saying that Yacht placed a kiss on Sammy's lips and Sammy closed her eyes... She was internally squealing because they can finally become a thing. Yacht pulled away and said "and, no matter how you look... I will always love you"

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