Chapter 8

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Dedicated to UshaNandhini866

Gulf's POV

Mew and I sat in silence comfortably, he did not ask me anything but just expected me to tell him, and I did not know what to tell him as I know Saint wouldn't want me to tell anyone that he took off without saying anything, I don't know the reason for his decision yet, but it had to be serious because Saint is not the one to feel depressed or feel sad about anything that easily. I guess I just have to wait and anticipate for him to come back.

"Gulf?" Mew asked when he noticed I wasn't paying attention to the movie.

"Yeah" I replied turning towards him, he was looking at me with sad eyes. And I didn't want to see that look on his face on our first day together.

"Are you okay? Is it about Saint? Do you wanna talk?" He asked and I immediately smiled and shook my head indicating that he doesn't have to worry about anything. He gave me a sad smile and just looked at me, he definitely knows something is wrong but I might just not tell it to him.

"It's nothing P'Mew" I assured him "I ... I... I was thinking about..." I was searching for a reason to tell him. "Yeah ... I was thinking about Kim" and that's when I realized that I was asked by my step father to talk to him about the suspension and his accusation on harassing a girl.

"Oh yes I totally forgot... So uncle Ashton asked you to talk to Kim... Are you going to?"

"I guess I should, it doesn't sound like Kim, he would never do that"

"I know, I feel the same way."

"P'Mew... Do you mind if I go down and check on him?"

"Of Course not baby... We can watch the movie later, you go ahead" Mew said while pausing the movie and taking all the snacks, which was on me and the table and headed towards the kitchen.

"Okay then I'll be back in a while" I said while standing up and heading towards the door.

I walked down the stairs as he stayed a floor below us. While I was nearing his condo I could see someone walking out of Kim's door. I stepped closer and it was

"Dylan?" I called out, Dylan looked up from the doorknob which he was locking and answered me

"Aow ...Khun Thiwat, how have you been?"

"What are you doing here?" I questioned without answering his question and pointed towards Kim's door. I knew Kim had a crush on Dylan, I just stood there wondering if Dylan was interested in Kim too and were they together now.

"That, I bought food and meds for Kim... I heard what happened and just dropped by to check on him" he said with the same formal tone he always speaks to me

"You don't have to talk that way Dylan, your elder to me, and also you are fired, I am sorry about that"

"Oh no... I still am working for Khun Tanet, I was only asked to stop being your guard."

"What? Why?"

"Because your father thinks that it is about time to protect yourself"

My eyes widened with that statement, Por would never say that. It might also be Dylan telling all this to make me feel better, I shoved that thought to one side and asked

"So he knows that I met with Mae?"

"Yes...he does"

"And he did not say anything?"

"I think he was expecting it to happen, he said that it took too longer than expected and also he said you would definitely obey him no matter what"

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