Chapter 6

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Dedicated to kanarosemew

Third POV

Mew and Gulf were making out on the couch, the movie and snacks were all abandoned and the only thing they both were focused on was each other. Zee came running out of his room and yelled


Both Mew and Gulf broke the kiss when they sensed Zee's urgency.

"Oh... N'Gulf you're here, did you see Saint? he is not in my room" Zee let out

"Wait? Saint was in your room?" Gulf asked shocked

"It's not like what you think" both Mew and Zee yelled at the same time.

"What's happening? How do you know what Saint and Zee did in the room when you were with me the whole night?" Gulf asked confused

"You were together the whole night?" Zee asked shocked, not so shocked

"It's not like what you think" both Gulf and Mew said in unison.

It was an awkward few seconds before Mew started.

"Umm, well the thing is... I met Saint in the corridor today morning, he told that he had forgotten his key, so he was in working here in the living room while it rained outside and fell asleep" Mew finished

"He said he slept in the living room?" Zee asked a little hurt, he knew they had to talk and figure stuff out, when he woke up to not find Saint next to him was itself a big rejection and the fact that Saint said Mew that he slept in the living room only meant that Saint did not want anyone to know about them.

"Yeah, he said he fell asleep on the couch" Mew said

"Oh ... Okay" Zee let out slowly

"But where is Saint now?" Gulf asked impatiently

"Oh sorry" Mew apologized "I forgot to mention, he asked me to tell you that he will be visiting your grandparents house and he will be gone for a while"

"What? It doesn't sound like him... He would wake me up even if I had just fallen asleep... And we always go there together... Why would he go alone?" Gulf was starting worry

"I... Actually got a weird vibe from him too" Mew said

"What do you mean?"

"Well he was stuttering a lot... He gave me a very formal smile when I said we both are together now and he called you 'Gulf' Mew finished with an equally something is wrong expression.

Gulf turned around trying not to panic both Zee and Mew he said "umm I will be right back...I just need to check on something" and left. He went into his condo and straight away went to Saint's room. He was right, Saint was not in the room and none of his stuff was there too. All of Saint's important stuff was back at their grandparents' place, Saint just bought some clothes and necessity along with him to this place. And all that was gone, there was only one piece of paper on the bed, he flipped it and recognized Saint's handwriting immediately. He sat on the bed and read the letter.

Dear cousin,

I am sorry to leave without telling you, but I don't think I could leave or if you will let me leave if I tell you.

I am not sure about what I am anymore, I've been in a dark place for a while now. I realized you were always my responsibility but it's not the same anymore, I felt like I have no purpose anymore. P'Zee changed that idea of mine and helped me out, but something happened yesterday which I cannot tell you or want you to go around asking people about what happened. Anyhow, I feel very awkward and embarrassed to face someone, so I just want to get away from everything I know for a while.

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