Chapter 16

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Third POV

Tanet asked Gulf to go back to his condo. Gulf had 19 years worth of questions to ask his father, but he had to leave because Dylan apparently 'found her' and Gulf did not know who 'she' was yet he still obeyed his father and left Phawattakun residence and went to his condo for the night.

Tanet after sending Gulf back to his condo accompanied by one of his personal drivers, and Tanet went upstairs to dress up as he was going to meet his love after 20 years. He especially picked up something special and thought to himself no matter how old he becomes, he would still act like a boy who is newly in love with his Katrina.

They hopped into Dylan's car and the first thing he asked Dylan was "Are you sure it is her?"

For that Dylan replied "Katrina Coates, age 43, she graduated from Chulalongkorn University in the same year as yours, she pursued engineering just like you did and disappeared exactly a month after graduation. She has one daughter, no husband, no boyfriend and no parents."

"What happened to her parents? It was not my parents doing was it?" Tanet asked panicked

"No sir, it seems they died from natural causes, nothing shady"

"And what about Sammy? If she is not currently married... was she married before? Is she a divorcee or a widow?"

"Sir after digging up for hours, I couldn't find any information about the father of Katrina's child. And Sammy is 20 years old currently, that's almost the exact amount of years you and Miss Katrina have been apart from each other. It can or cannot be, but my suspicion is... '' Dylan hesitated

"Come on Dylan say it" Tanet urged from the back seat.

"Sir, there are high possibilities that... Sammy is your daughter" Dylan said and immediately expected to be denied, but the denial never left Tanet's mouth. Instead Tanet Chuckled, out of shock, disbelief and above all excitement.

"Are you telling me that... Sammy can be my daughter? Mine and Katrina's child? Huh ..huh...haha... So you mean... I have two children, a son and a daughter?"

Tanet almost started to cry but he held it together, he felt like a new father. He felt like how every father would be standing outside the delivery ward and when they heard the baby's crying noise for the first time. The feeling that comes upon every father at that moment is what Tanet felt right now.

"Yes sir...but it is my assumption that's all... It can or cannot be true" Dylan said defensively.

That felt like someone poured a glass of water on Tanet's face to get him back to his senses, but still he did not give up hope. He stated with his chest out "it doesn't matter who's daughter Sammy is, from this moment onwards she is my daughter"

Dylan smiled from the driver's seat as he was so proud of his boss for being so open minded, more than that he was still in love with his college sweetheart and was still ready to do anything for her happiness. Dylan looked through the rare view mirror and saw Tanet's anticipation, he kept tapping his feet. "I'm really glad that you finally found them sir" he said to distract him.

"Huh...thanks Dylan, I can't believe I am going to meet her now, how much longer to reach there ?"

"We are almost there sir"

And 5 minutes later they reached an isolated place, only two or three houses in the whole neighborhood, it was located in the outskirts of Bangkok and Dylan pointed to the house towards the right indicating that is the house in the address he found. The house was dingy and required way too much repair and renovation, the whole house was almost about the same size of the kitchen in Phawattakun residence. But it was brightly lit from the inside.

"Is this where she has been hiding all these years? She was supposed to like a queen in my house, instead she chose to live in such a place in the middle of nowhere" Tanet asked thinking about how much his love would have suffered all these years.

"But sir, as you know... She was threatened, she did not have a choice back then" Dylan tried to back up Katrina.

As they stepped on the porch they could slightly hear Sammy and another boy's voice bickering about who gets to choose the movie. Tanet turned towards Dylan as though questioning the presence of a male in the house so late in the night, already trying to be protective of his (maybe) daughter. Dylan noticed that and quickly answered before Tanet could misunderstand something.

"Sir, that's probably Yacht... He is Sammy's best friend, they are childhood friends and not to mention he always stays by her side to protect her."

Tanet wasn't fully satisfied with Dylan's answer, no matter who it was, from however long they knew him, he had to test the boy personally to check if he was capable of protecting his daughter like Dylan claimed he would.

Followed by Dylan's answer Tanet could hear another voice inside. "Alright, alright shut up you two, both of you are in uni now and are still bickering like school kids. Neither one of you are going to choose the movie" the female voice said and Tanet couldn't control his heart.

"But mommy... What are we gonna do if we don't watch a movie?" Sammy's voice was heard

"We are going to watch a movie, I just told you that neither of you are going to choose the movie, I did not say that I. Can't. Choose" Katrina's voice was heard and followed by that there was screaming, yelling and sounds of footsteps running around the house heard.

"Sir??" Dylan nudged the smiling Tanet who was imagining what would actually be happening inside.

"Hmm yeah" Tanet snapped

"The doorbell" he said

"The what?" Tanet questioned

"The doorbell sir... Ring the doorbell" Dylan said and that's when Tanet realized that he was just standing there idly. He raised his hand and his fingers were inches away from the bell and he just stood there for two seconds and turned around.

"I think I change my mind, my clothes aren't good enough, we will come back tomorrow" Tanet said and almost started to walk towards the car and just then Dylan clicked the bell taking all the responsibilities in his own hands knowing very well that his ever fierce boss is being scared of meeting his ex girlfriend.

"Dylan... Why would you do that? Come on let's run" Tanet said but was held by Dylan and forcefully made to face the door.

"You will thank me later sir" Dylan said with a straight face.

"I swear I'm going to fire you...." And the next second the door flew open revealing a woman in her early 40's looking exactly like Sammy, a few steps behind her was Sammy and Yacht standing and expecting to have a look at that person who would come to their home in such an odd hour.

"Oh, Gulf's father... haii uncle ..ow... er ... er... heh ..heh" Sammy recognised Tanet as Gulf's father and spoke first only to end up stammering with embarrassment after looking at the sight in front of her.

Tanet saw Katrina just for one second and the next second he had thrown his arms around Katrina and hugged her tightly. Dylan could only muffle his giggles, Yacht's eyes were wide as though it might pop out any moment, Katrina just stood there dumbfounded without knowing what was happening, and the only noise which filled the atmosphere was Sammy's stuttering.


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