Chapter 4

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Dedicated to Bertha2020

Third POV

Saint woke up, he was in Zee's bed. It was pretty early, it looked like it was not even dawn yet. Saint looked around Zee's room while laying on the bed, Zee was spooning him from behind and was in a deep sleep. The walls in the room were filled with posters of Marvel and DC characters and some athletes. One whole wall was nailed with shelves and filled with action figures, collectable cars, bikes and more action figures. The top three shelves were filled with awards, cups and medals which Saint realized were all the prizes won by Zee.

Saint felt at home, like literally as the interior of his room back in his grandparents house were pretty similar to this. But when he noticed the top three shelves he realized why Kim and Zee became close friends. Kim was also an athlete, the difference was Zee played basketball and Kim played rugby and just like Zee he won many prizes too that filled the shelves in his room.

Saint did not know how to feel about all this, he thought he liked Zee and he also thought Zee did not like him but liked Kim Instead, but when he gave a second  thought to it he realized what kind of absurd thoughts he had been having lately. Because Kim and Zee, that would never in this life or in any other life be possible. They can be the best of friends due to similar interests but they could never be together.

Saint just layed there in with Zee's chest pressed to his back, one hand around him clutching his shirt near his stomach. Saint was confused; he didn't know how to react to Zee's confession, he loved Zee and he knew that, he probably loved him more than Zee did but for some unknown reason they always ended up fighting. No matter how nice both of them tried to be, Saint felt that there was something which Zee always had against him that caused them to fight. Every time they fought Saint couldn't sleep properly and ended up crying all night, the pain he was feeling was a secret that no one knew.

And he wasn't ready to reject Zee. Saint realized that Zee was in his life only to give him pain, yet he could never hate him but only loved him more and more because he was the first person to give him a shoulder to cry on, he would never forget that. But at the same time he doesn't want to be in pain everyday and he doesn't want to blame Zee for it. Saint knew that he was at fault, he knew all his pain came from himself, all because of overthinking. He was never like this before, he was always cheerful, bubbly and a reason for someone else's happiness, but only recently he realized that he was tired of making others happy and he wanted someone to make him happy.

When he realized that he kept overthinking, a lot. He kept thinking about every small thing and would end up crying silently at nights. He knew if this goes on he would go into depression, so he had to figure something out.

He slowly tried to remove Zee's hand and stepped out of his bed, Zee rolled over to the other side in his sleep without realizing the movement next to him. Saint slowly sneaked out of the room, reached the living room, grabbed all his stuff and tiptoed to the entrance door and slowly opened the door and stepped out.


Mew woke up next to Gulf, his love. It was so unreal for him to be like this with Gulf. Both of them were shirtless last night Mew tried so hard to hold it in, his boyfriend's mouth was so sinful. Still he did a good job, they might be together already, but still he knew they had to take it slow, he still needed to know a lot about Gulf and Gulf still wasn't entirely at the goal he wanted to achieve. Gulf had asked Mew for some time so he could love himself, try to be brave and confident. He knew Gulf wasn't entirely there yet and he was willing to wait. Until then he could survive with only cuddling and long make out sessions, long enough to burn calories.

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