Chapter 3

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Dedicated to RabiaNaeem6

Third POV

Gulf and Mew were on the way to their condo when it started raining heavily. They reached their place, parked the car and wanted to stay till the rain stops, but it looked like it was not going to stop any time soon. Gulf was holding Mew's hand throughout the car ride, it was difficult for Mew to switch gears yet he did not let go of his boyfriend's hand.

"It doesn't look like the rain is going to stop anytime soon" Mew said while trying to look at the dark sky from inside the car.

"What do we do?" Gulf asked

"Umm, I don't know. Are ... Are you cold?"

"Hmm, a little"

"Aow, should we just run inside?"

"P'Mew... Let's stay here for a while" Gulf said and leaned on Mew's shoulder.

Two of them, alone, in the car, in the rain. It was romantic, Gulf was warm and soft like a marshmallow. Mew rolled down the windshield, he sneakily kept his hand out letting it get cold and drenched in the rain, a few seconds later he sprinkled a few droplets of water on Gulf's face.

"P'Mew~, why would you do that?"

Mew just laughed in response, he was having fun teasing Gulf in this way. Gulf was not going to back away; he rolled down the windshield on his side and threw some water on Mew's face as well. Mew tried to cover his face, but Gulf kept repeating his actions until Mew's shirt was a little wet.

Mew kept laughing and asking Gulf to stop the whole while. It did not look like Gulf was going to stop until Mew was completely wet. Laughter, giggles and protests kept on going. Until Mew decided to stop it, he held both of Gulf's wrist intending to make the other stop. The laughter died down and both of them felt the warmth of each other.

"P'Mew..." Gulf called out in a small voice

"Hmm" Mew replied while scanning Gulf's cute face.

"Can... Umm ...can we kiss?" Gulf asked and then the blush in his face started to turn brighter.

Mew did not break his gaze nor replied anything to the question, he just let Gulf's wrist loose and tried to caress the other's face, Gulf closed his eyes and snuggled his face in Mew's palm. Without looking away Mew closed both the windshield which was previously open. They could only hear the rain water splattering outside and heavy breathing of each other.

Mew tilted his head, Gulf was just waiting for Mew to make a move and then Mew came incredibly close to Gulf and both of their lips touched. Both could feel tingles all over their bodies, Gulf had goosebumps and slightly shivered. It wasn't sure if it was because of the cold outside or the heat inside.

Gulf held both of Mew's shoulders while Mew held Gulf's face in both hands. The kiss was getting hotter every second, Mew could feel the tip of Gulf's tongue grazing and rubbing against his own lips, It was as if Gulf was desperate to use tongue. Mew slightly opened his mouth allowing entry to Gulf. They continued kissing and Gulf was getting naughty by now, Mew wanted to tease him but that wasn't happening and Mew wanted Gulf to do more to him.

Gulf grazed his hands along the strong muscular shoulder blades of Mew and moved to touch his bare neck. Mew's breath hitched when Gulf's cold and wet hands touched his skin, but he didn't break the kiss. Gulf's fingers traced Mew's neck, his adam's apple and continued going below. He caressed the other's collar bone and tried to unbutton his shirt.

Mew pulled Gulf closer in his arms and started to dominate the kiss, Gulf was not having it, he tried to dominate as well, which resulted in a battle between the both of them and a sloppy kiss. Mew sucked hard on Gulf's bottom lip and pulled back just for a second to see how swollen it had become, before he could take a clear look, Gulf came forward and pulled Mew's bottom lip by using his teeth.

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