Chapter 18 (18+)

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Warning 18+ content

Third POV

Gulf reached his condo around 8:00 in the evening after his talk with his father. Gulf was quite happy as everything was getting better, he reunited with his mother, he accepted his step father, his step brother Kim was now getting better physically and mentally. His father had finally reconciled with him and Gulf was finally able to forgive him completely and get back to loving him but the difference this time was he wasn't afraid of his father and his love was being returned by his father with immense affection and concern. The only thing which was missing was Saint.

Saint was not there with him right now it had already been two months since he went missing, Zee constantly kept asking Gulf about Saint's whereabouts and Gulf constantly kept saying he was at their grandparents house. Gulf faced a very difficult and awkward situation when Granny and grandpa asked him about Saint when they started missing him, after all it was his grandparents who raised Saint. Gulf lied to them too saying Saint was busy with uni work as he had joined some club, he managed by saying They hardly see each other nowadays even though they stay in the same condo. Granny couldn't say much except being worried and asking Gulf to take care of her beloved baby Saint.

It was about time for his cousin to come home, or else Gulf swore to tell everyone the truth, find that idiot with his father's and Dylan's help and beat him up for making everyone suffer so much. But after that he wanted to hug his cousin and cry out loud and tell him everything that had happened to him when he wasn't there. And not to forget to ask him about his mental health and in what fucking mind he was when he took the decision to just disappear.

Gulf smiled at the thought of getting his cousin back with the same smile he entered Mew's condo to find it dark and the living room filled with scented candles, it smelled like the ocean and the speaker was emitting sounds of the beach, reminding him of the beach house in Phuket where Mew and Himself had sex for the first time. Gulf understood what was happening, it was time for 'compensation' and Mew had recreated their first time together.

He locked the door and looked around noticing each and every details and how the beautiful the room was dimly lit with candles of aqua blue colour, and thats when Gulf could feel Mew's arms wrapping around his waist from behind and slowly sniff kissing Gulf, behind his left ear taking in the smell of his hair.

"What does this remind you of?" Mew asked in a low voice, and Gulf could only think about how romantic can his boyfriend be.

"Phuket, our Weekend trip" Gulf replied in the same tone as Mew

Mew Chuckled and said "I am glad you remember"

"Of course I remember" Gulf said and turned to face Mew, he placed both his hands on Mew's shoulders and Mew hugged him below by holding his waist. "But, why would you recreate it? Wasn't our night in Phuket beautiful by itself?" He asked jokingly.

"Haha, that was the best night ever." Mew continued while chuckling, "I want to recreate that night because, that night we did everything in a hurry, and this time I wanna make it right"

"Hurry? P'Mew we should have had at least a thirty minute long foreplay, how can that be considered as 'in a hurry'?" Gulf said while smiling teasingly, both the boys in the room were immensely happy at the moment, they were smiling, giggling, chuckling and laughing while having the conversation.

"Thirty minutes? That long? Are you sure about it?"

"Huh...P'Mew... Don't say you forgot about it"

"Haha, never, I remember every single detail about that night and I don't think the foreplay only lasted for thirty minutes, it has to be more."

"Hmm... Okay...but I still did not get the answer, why did you recreate that atmosphere?"

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