Chapter 11

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Dedicated to Ninalove615


I cannot explain the trauma I went through when Gulf was lying unconscious in that oven, only after a while did I realise that I put my life in danger to save my love. Only then I realised how important Gulf is to me and what I would have done if I did not act by instinct and stayed back and acted like a coward and did not save Gulf. I would have died of regret if I had lost him. After a couple of days both Gulf and Kim both were discharged and back at home.

Gulf had become more silent, the first thing being that Saint was not there to take care of him and the second thing being not able to tell his mother about his condition. I very well know why Dylan denied Gulf and Kim to not inform the incident to their parents, but neither Gulf or Kim knew about it, Kim was also in trauma as he was chased around campus with a bloody hand, thugs behind him with weapons in their hand and being trapped inside a room on fire. He was finally getting to realise the need and importance of his parents, he too badly wanted to tell them the situation and be in their care for a few days. But Dylan refused saying that his family will be too worried and they shouldn't give them stuff to think about as they were alright now.

Kim was also afraid that he wouldn't have been alive and would have never been able to see the people who truly cared about him ever again. But he decided to go back home to his parents when his hand was healed and live with them because he did not want to show up in front of his parents like a wounded soldier.

About those fucking assholes who trapped Gulf and Kim and set the room on fire, I had no update on them, Dylan very well knew what was happening to them, but I did not. I know Gulf's father is a very dangerous man, at this point I won't have bad thoughts about him even if he tortures them and burns them alive. Because if I was in his place I would do that too, actually I would do that right now, but I know that the issue is being taken care of in a legal way.

Gulf still doesn't know that his father had come to visit him in the hospital, he was so disappointed when Dylan said that his father knew about the situation, he thought his father did not care about him. But I knew very well about his father's feelings towards him, I could have told him all about the conversation that happened when he was unconscious. But I knew that I was already wrong to have eavesdropped on something personal, and I would be even more wrong if I tell him about it as it is not my confession to make. Instead it is a father-son thing.

Dylan takes care of Kim and I take care of Gulf. Gulf had moved into my condo, in my room as it is easy for me to do my work and look after him. So we are practically living together, but I don't see him smile like before and I know it has something more to do with Saint or his parents.

Gulf was lying in our bed facing towards the window. I bought a plate of food along with me as it was time for his dinner.

"Baby..." I called out

Gulf did not turn or respond, but I knew he heard me.

"Get up and eat something na~"

He just got up and sat, while I pulled a chair and sat next to the bed to feed him. I fed him one spoon and he swallowed obediently. He kept looking at me, as if he wanted to ask me something. I did not ask him anything because in the past few days even though I try to talk to him he doesn't reply, he cuddles and hugs me silently at night and I think that is enough for me to understand that he will talk to me whenever he is ready.

"P'Mew..." He called out and my eyes widened and I gave him my full attention.

"Yes baby?"

"Can I trust you?" He asked which left me confused

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