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Third POV

3 years later.

Mew graduated and started working with a music company... He had also been helping with his parents business along with Zee. Gulf, Saint and Kim were graduating today, in their final year Gulf started working with Tanet in their company and he was getting better with his work day by day. He learnt why his father was so intimidating every time, he learnt that if they had to stay on top he had to be intimidating as well. But Mew always understood Gulf and somehow Gulf always became a baby in front of Mew. They still did not change and somehow found time to cuddle, make out and make love every opportunity they get, even if they were busy with their work. Their love never faltered, they had minor fights through the years mainly because Mew was too possessive or Gulf wouldn't inform Mew about his whereabouts, Gulf most of the time had to travel abroad for business purposes and Mew would be scared to the core every time he went out of the country. But they will find a way to make contact with each other and those fights were the reason for them to become stronger.

Saint was handling his grandparents business, their company almost faced bankruptcy as Grandpa was getting old. Fortunately Saint handled the situation and decided to take care of it without letting it see any loss. Granny and Grandpa were very happy because Saint was talking to them normally again. Those three months when Saint did not talk to them they were in literal hell bearing the torture with the thought of Saint leaving them. But on the day Zee brought Saint to his grandparents house, Zee was just trying to keep his promise but on that day he witnessed how much Saint had been suffering because he had to grow up without his parents around. Saint promised them that he would always drop by and on the same day he introduced Zee as his boyfriend and Granny was too exhilarated to get two handsome grand son in laws. Grandpa had some questions to ask Zee but he was coming around.

Kim was now a professional rugby athlete, he had joined a club and there were chances for him to become the captain of that team very soon. Kim and Dylan made it official, most of their family members were not helping when they were not agreeing to their relationship because of their age gap and the one person he did not expect to help, came to their aid and supported them and that was Tanet. Tanet knew how Dylan was through the years and he supported them because he felt like he also owed something to Jane. Jane was Kim's biological mother and he had promised her that he would check on Kim from time to time and he felt guilty because he did not do anything for the kid so he supported Dylan and Kim's relationship because he knew that they will be happy together irrespective of the age difference.

Tanet and Katrina were now married and chilling in another country, after handing the business over to Gulf. They went one a honeymoon a year ago and they still were on their honeymoon, everyone started teasing them because their honeymoon is continuing even after a year, but everyone also understood how much the old couple loved each other and how much they would have longed for each other's presence throughout the years. And both of them flew to Thailand because it was their children's graduation.

Sammy and Yacht were engaged and were about to get married in a couple of months, but they might get married earlier because Sammy was already five months pregnant. The whole family was exhilarated because of the news as this baby would be the only baby in the whole family, because all other boys were not even considering having children as of yet.

Techno was married to Champ, they got married first in the gang and they were building a house together. Champ had started a restaurant and Techno was managing it with his super manager skills, he did not let the coffee shop owner down because he was a mentor to him and the coffee shop was the reason for him to get better in life. So he also managed that chain of cafe's as well.

Ashton and Malee were happy as both their sons accepted their marriage and both of them loved them and respected them. They had some problems with Kim and Dylan but they somehow found out about the chemistry lab incident and the reason for Dylan had a hand in saving their son in that incident as well as the mugging incident. They understood that Dylan would be able to protect Kim so they finally agreed.

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