Chapter 5

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Dedicated to DiMcdonald

Third POV

Gulf woke up when it was all bright and sunny outside. He opened his eyes and saw the bright light spreading through the room, he smiled widely and got up, though he did not sleep for the whole night he felt content. His pillows smelt like himself and Mew, he got out of bed and stepped into the bathroom to take a shower, when he looked at himself in the mirror with messy hair and shirtless body filled with hickeys. He facepalmed, he was embarrassed when he thought about what would have Mew thought about him when he woke up to this face. But then he remembered the way Mew gave him a kiss while he was still sleeping and he smiled to himself when he realized that it was not actually a dream but he really kissed Mew in his sleep this morning.

Gulf showered and dressed up, he stepped into comfortable clothes and walked out of his room. The vibe in the living room was different, there was no Saint playing video games like how every Sunday morning. No music playing from the TV while he played games and no yelling into the microphone instructing players on the other side.

"Saint..." Gulf called out, he realized that Saint wasn't home when Mew and himself stepped into the condo last night. Gulf dailed Saint's number and it was not reachable, Gulf felt wired but he decided to ask Saint himself when he came back home.

Gulf stepped out, locked the door he walked towards Mew and Zee's condo he was intending to ring the bell before he noticed that the door was slightly cracked open. He realized that Mew would have probably left the door open for him as Mew would have known that Gulf wouldn't stay away from him for too long. Gulf smiled and walked in, the whole place was quiet, absolutely no sound, he assumed Zee to be sleeping and Mew to be working. But the silence was killing him, it was weird, Saint never let the ambience be silent, he was loud and especially with Zee around they were always bickering about something or the other. Gulf didn't like it this silent because it reminded him of his Por's house, which had no sound and no life.

Gulf walked directly into his boyfriend's room which was also silent. The door to the music room where Mew spent most of his time was shut, if Gulf did not go into that room before he would have taken hours to find out where the door is, it was camouflaged in a corner. If anyone new entered this room they wouldn't even know there was another secret room within this room. Gulf walked towards the camouflaged door and tried pushing it, and it opened. He saw Mew wearing his headphones and staring at the computer screen, Mew did not sense someone else's presence.

Gulf decided to pull a prank on his boyfriend and he slowly stepped in with soft steps. He came closer to the focused Mew and suddenly held his shoulders and shocked him. Mew almost yelled and almost fell from his chair while spinning around, he balanced himself to stand, he removed his headphones and held his chest with his right hand to calm his frantic heart. He looked up to see what the hell just happened, and he saw Gulf laughing his guts out.

Mew has never seen Gulf laughing like that before, he was holding his stomach and trying so hard to stop laughing, but when Gulf saw the Mew's bewildered face he couldn't stop it but laughed more harder. Mew after he gathered his thoughts and asked.

"Gulf...why would you do that? You scared the hell out of me"

"Hahahaha... I am sorry P'Mew, I just felt like I have to scare you, but I never expected you to ...hahaha....I never expected you to fall down....hahahaha" Gulf continued laughing.

Mew calmed down and he felt relaxed when he saw Gulf laughing like that, and when he knew he was the reason for that sweet sound which filled the sound proof room he felt good. Mew was going to get back at him, he stepped towards Gulf and said.

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