Chapter 14

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Third POV

Tanet has been feeling weird, since the time he saw Gulf's friend Sammy this morning. She looked exactly like Katrina, his heart almost stopped when he saw a doppelganger of his ex girlfriend. He did act weird when Sammy was around, only he wished to ask her parents' names. For some odd reason he felt like Sammy was closely related to Katrina, as he kept thinking his heart beat faster and tears rolled down his eyes, he smiled like he never have before. He thought of the possibility of Sammy being Katrina's daughter, he did not care who her father was all he could think was at last he had a chance to reunite with his lover again.

"Driver...stop the car" he suddenly yelled and the driver suddenly stepped on the break, the driver was startled as this had never happened before. It was a good thing that the driver drove the car in a corner and not in the middle of the road. Yet the honks, yells, screams and curses from the passenger behind kept coming.

"Sir? Are you alright? Is there any problem?" The driver turned behind and looked at Tanet the usually grumpy and poker face boss of his. But today he was crying and smiling, he did not know how to interpret that.

"Turn around and go back home, step on it... Get there as fast as possible" Tanet said.

His whole body was restless, his foot kept tapping and he balled his fist and bit his knuckles in anticipation, he couldn't wait to meet Sammy again. When he reached home he ran inside, he looked around for someone to come and attend to him. But mostly he was expecting Gulf to show up and tell all details about Sammy.

"Gulf..." Tanet called, it was weird at first but then he had already accepted his son as Gulf. "Where are you?" The house was filled with noise, yet again on the same day.

"Khun Tanet? What happened is everything alright?" Asked the maid.

"That girl, that... That girl who was here just now where is she?" Tanet asked impatiently, he was smiling, he was crying, he was waving his hands frantically pointing at the place where Sammy was standing earlier.

"The kids left a while ago" she answered quickly as she felt the urgency of her employer. Since the maid was working in Phawattakun residence from a very long time, she saw the young Tanet in front of her which she never thought she will be able to see again

"Sir? Is everything alright?" Dylan just entered the house, and the driver had informed Tanet's behaviour earlier.

"Dylan... Oh god Dylan" Tanet stepped forward and held both his shoulders.

"Sir?" Dylan asked confused.

"That girl... The girl who was with Gulf just now, Sammy... Find her"

"Do you want me to bring her to you sir?" Dylan asked as he thought she offended his boss in some way.

"'s not like that... don't scare her...haha...Huh .."Tanet Chuckled nervously while still holding Dylan's shoulder and calmed himself down by looking at the ground and taking a few deep breaths.

"Sir? Are you okay?" Dylan was feeling super weird, no one has ever seen Tanet like this in a very long time.

"Dylan... I think... I think she is Katrina's daughter" Tanet let out and Dylan was utterly shocked.

"You mean, Gulf's friend Sammy?"

"Yes... Yes... Haha ..yes Sammy, she looks exactly like her, there is a high possibility, Dylan will listen to me... Find her, follow her, get me all details about her, get to know who her parents are"

"But sir, we have been searching for miss Katrina for years and all over the world, she was nowhere to be found"

"Exactly Dylan, haha... She is so smart, she would've known I would search for her, she would have known I'm dumb enough to not find her when she was right under my nose. We searched literally everywhere, except Bangkok. We never assumed her to be here, so we never bothered to look for her here."

Promise to Believe/ [MewGulf] Book 3Where stories live. Discover now