Caring Byul

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*Solar POV*

I'm all alone in the room. Moonbyul left to have dinner with her friend. To get rid of boredom I thought of watching a movie.

I got comfortable in my blanket and started playing the movie. I don't like watching movies alone, it would have been better if Byul was here.

I wonder what she is doing. She might be enjoying the dinner with Hani. When did she get close with Hani to have dinner with her? Anyways, I don't want to know.


I've watched 3 movies and Moonbyul still isn't back. I know she said she will be late but she's LATE late. What is taking her so long? Is she going to spend the entire night out with Hani?

Ugh I can't even sleep. I should sleep but I cannot. Why did she leave me alone? I planned to watch another movie hoping I'll fall asleep.


*Moonbyul POV*

"Thank you Hani. I had fun with you today. We should hang out more" I said.

"Then stay for some time. We can go to karaoke" she pleaded.

"I'm sorry but I have to go back now. Solar is alone at room." I knew solar might be fast asleep but she I had to get back.

"Ugh! Solar this, Solar that, don't you think about anything else besides Solar? Hani chuckled.

"You know I'm over her right? I just don't want her to be lonely because she had a break up recently" I tried to explain.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Just go back to your Solar. Next time bring her along so you won't miss her this much" she said sarcastically.

"I love you Hani but I gotta go now. See you soon" I hugged her.

"Love you too, whatever. Bye" she said and I left.


I got to the company and stood in front my room. I tried to make as less noise as possible so I won't wake Solar up.

I opened the door and to my surprise Solar was still awake. At this time she should be in dreams, why is she awake?

"You're still awake?
"You're back?"

We both asked the same time.

"I couldn't sleep. I was watching movies." She complained with the cutest voice ever.

I chuckled at her and went to wash up. I came out of the bathroom to see Solar sleeping peacefully.

I don't understand this girl sometimes. I went to her bed and she looked like an angel while sleeping. I put blanket on her and went to my bed and slept.

*Moonbyul POV end*

Solar thought it was going be difficult to adjust with Moonbyul again. She knew she ruined what they had between them and she deeply regretted it.

But Moonbyul made things easier for Solar. Byul behaved like nothing ever was wrong between them. She treated Solar with same care and love as she did before their fight.

Moonbyul wanted never wanted to hurt Solar by ignoring her or making her feel guilty.

Solar and Moonbyul never talked about Moonbyul's feelings towards Solar to avoid the awkwardness. They rekindled their friendship and didn't want to ruin it again.

Solar thought Moonbyul had left everything in the past and has moved on from the incident.

She didn't know that Moonbyul still had feelings for her but never showed it. Moonbyul still couldn't see Solar hurt and that's the reason she decided to pretend to move on.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2021 ⏰

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