Developing feelings

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Everyone gathered in practice room later but everyone was not in the mood to practice.

“Can we watch a movie instead? We will continue the practice tomorrow” Wheein said in her cute baby voice to which Hwasa immediately hugged her. “Why are you so cute?”

“ahem” Solar cleared her throat and the two girls separated. “You have lots of time to hug each other in your rooms, now let’s get to practice.”

“Aren’t you tired? You just returned today. From where do you get so much energy?” Wheein asked surprisingly. Yongsun took it as compliment and smiled.

“Okay Wheein, let’s just watch movie today.” Wheein was very happy as she did not want to practice today. “Unnie, is it okay if I don’t join you guys for the movie? I have to meet my friend Selgui today.” Moonbyul was hoping that Solar would allow her.

“Okay, If you want to go out with her, you can go. Join us for dinner then”


Hwasa, Wheein and Solar were all in one blanket watching movie in Wheesa’s room.

“Thank you unnie for letting us watch movie today, you are such a good leader. We missed you” Wheein tried to butter up Solar. “I missed you too” She hugged both the girls.

“Really? Is that the reason did not even call or text us?” Hwasa asked Solar jokingly.

“I am sorry girls, I was too busy helping my mom with the arrangements but I talked to Moonbyul yesterday afternoon and I asked her to tell you guys that I miss you.” Solar tried to explain.
Hwasa and Wheein exchanged glances.

“It was you who was talking to unnie yesterday in the afternoon?” Wheein asked with a huge smile on her face.

“Yes, why? Did she not give you my message? I see her when she comes back” Wheesa giggled again. Solar seemed confused. Anyways, let’s watch the movie

“Why did we decide to watch Whispering corridors?” Solar face hardly came out from the blanket. She got scared very easily. The girls wanted to watch something other than typical romantic drama.
Wheein and Hwasa were pretty scared too.

By the time the movie finished, they all were already cuddling each other.

Moonbyul joined them later at dinner and they talked about normal stuff and how they all have become friends from strangers.

“Good night solar unnie, good night unnie” Wheesa gave a cocky smile to Moonbyul like they knew some secret about her and it scared Byul. They all went in their rooms. Solar was done with her organizing things before going to bed and Moonbyul did her dance practice.

Solar was in her bed and Moonbyul was in hers. “Can you please turn the lamp off?” Byul asked.

“Is it okay if I keep this on for tonight?” Solar was so scared after seeing the movie that she could not sleep in complete darkness. She explained Byul about it and Moonbyul just laughed at her.

“It’s not funny.” Solar pouted. “Okay I am sorry but I cannot sleep if the lamp is on. If you need anything, I am here but please turn the lamp off unnie.” Solar agreed and turned the lamp off.

Moonbyul drifted to sleep immediately but Solar just kept tossing and turning in her bed.

“Byul?” But Solar got no response from Byul.
She tried to shake her shoulder and Byul woke up immediately. “Geez unnie you scared me”

“I am sorry.” Byul can see sadness on Solar’s face when she turned on the lights.

“What happened? Are you not able to sleep?” Moonbyul asked her sincerely.
Solar just nodded “Is it okay if I share the bed with you? I am not used to sleep alone when I am scared and I forgot bring my bunny along so I cannot sleep.”

Moonbyul found Solar very cute in that moment and lifted her blanket to let Solar in. She could see that the elder girl’s facial expressions relaxed and she gave a bright smile to Moonbyul. “Thank you.”

Solar fell asleep within few minutes but now Moonbyul was the only who could not sleep. She kept tossing in her bed. She turned to face Solar, even though it was dark, Moonbyul can still see Solar’s face while sleeping.

‘How can a monster look so pretty while sleeping?’

Moonbyul took her time to admire Solar’s beauty. They’ve been in the same group for weeks now but this is the first time that Moonbyul has seen Solar from so close. Her hairs falling perfectly on the side of her face, her nose, her lips, Moonbyul looked at Solar like she was memorizing her look.

Facing Solar, Moonbyul also drifted to sleep.


Solar opened her eyes to the sunlight coming from the window of their room. She realized that she not in her bed. She panicked a bit but then remembered the last night. She sat up in the bed. Moonbyul wasn’t in the bed when she woke up. She started looking for Byul and found her sitting on the chair besides the table.

“Good morning” Byul greeted with a smile.
“Good morning” Solar said in her sleepy voice. “Thank you for letting me sleep in your bed last night.”
Solar appreciated Byul’s actions and let herself out of the bed, she went and sat on her bed near Byul.

“I was really scared yesterday. We had watched a scary movie you know.”
“Yes, I could really see how scared you were.” Moonbyul laughed. They both fell into an easy conversation.

All the members met in Wheesa’s room to discuss their schedule.
Moonbyul and Solar sat at the head of the bed leaning their back on the bed head while Wheesa sat in front of them with their legs folded.

“What are we doing today unnie” Wheein asked Solar curiously. To which Solar replied shopping. They needed to buy some stuff for their rooms and some food items too.

These girls finished the food supply when the rest of the groups still had more than half remaining.

“I think the reason we get along so well is because we all love the same thing.” Hwasa said followed by Moonbyul’s ‘what’.  “We all love eating” Everyone giggled whiteout denying Hwasa’s statement.


The girls went for shopping and bought all the necessary stuff for the group and headed back to their dorm. Solar told Hwasa and Wheein that they are free to go now. Moonbyul and she would carry all the things to their rooms.

Solar carried two bags and Moonbyul had two. Suddenly Solar felt pain in her arm. She dropped the bags on the floor. Moonbyul immediately rushed towards Solar.

“What happened? Are you okay unnie?” You could see the concern on Moonbyul’s face.  “Give me, I’ll carry these too.”

Without wasting a second, Moonbyul picked up the bags and started walking ahead. She looked back and said “What? Are you legs paining too? Oh please tell me they aren’t cause I don’t want to carry you, these bags are heavy enough.”

“No, I’m fine.” Solar smiled and walked with Moonbyul to their room.

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