I can't stand you

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Mamamoo had been formed but they were still trainees and needed a lot of practice to debut.  They used to gather everyday in the training room and practice for hours.

Wheein, Hwasa and Moonbyul would always have fun while Solar had the responsibility to make sure they did their best. Solar would always encourage them to practice more every day. Solar was the mom of the group and the rest were her children coz they literally behaved like children.

Just like every day, four of them decided to meet at 9 for practice. Solar would get up at 7 and exercise. Her toughest job as a leader was to wake up Moonbyul.

This day, Moonbyul was the one to wake up first. She opened her eyes to see the time on the phone 6:50 AM.

She tried to fall asleep again but couldn’t so she decided to wake up. She adjusted her eyes to the light coming from the window of their room. She got off the bed and headed for bathroom.

She stopped midway and turned to look at Solar sleeping. Though Solar was annoying but she looked very cute while sleeping.

Moonbyul went closer to her bed and leaned to take a look at Solar’s face. Moonbyul got an idea of messing with Solar so she took out a marker from the drawer beside Solar’s bed and drew on Solar’s face.

After a few minutes Solar woke up by her alarm. She blinked a few times and took a look at her phone. It was 7:12 by the time she woke up.

“Oh you woke up” Moonbyul appeared from the bathroom.
Solar startled a bit as she thought Moonbyul was asleep.

“You scared me” Solar said as she looked up to see Moonbyul with freshly washed hair and a towel wrapped around her body.
“wow- you-“ Solar just kept looking at Moonbyul as how sexy she looked.

“How did you get up before me?” Solar said containing herself.

“I woke up few minutes ago and could not go back to sleep again so I just went to get ready.” Moonbyul was trying hard not to laugh looking at Solar’s face with all the drawing.

Solar got up from her bed and began to go the bathroom. Moonbyul grabbed a towel and handed it to Solar.

She took to the towel but looked at Moonbyul with confused expressions. “Why are you acting so weird today?”
“Nothing, I am trying to be nice.” Moonbyul was still containing her laughter.

“WHAT THE HECK? DO YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY?” Solar stomped out of the bathroom.

Moonbyul was laughing so hard at Solar. “THIS IS NOT FUNNY”
“C’mon, did you see your face properly in the mirror? It is pretty funny.” She giggled.

“I AM GOING TO KILL YOU ONCE I WASH THIS OFF” Solar rushed to the bathroom.

Moonbyul was all dressed up and was lying in her bed with her phone. She heard the bathroom door open and Solar showed up with an angry face.

“Did you forget to wash your face or what?” Moonbyul was confused as the drawing was still on Solar’s face.
“Which marker did you use? It won’t come off.” You can see the fright on Moonbyul’s face as she heard the words come out of Solar’s mouth.

“I used this” She took out the same marker from the drawer beside the bed.

Moonbyul was panicking and apologized to Solar multiple times. “I promise I did not know it was permanent marker or else I would have not used it on you. Please believe me Unnie”

“I know you did this on purpose. How am I supposed to go out now?” Solar’s tone was upset rather than angry.

Moonbyul felt guilty for her actions and apologized again. “I am so sorry, there might be something that will erase the drawing. “ Moonbyul started reading the information on the marker.
“It’s okay, don’t pretend to help. You will just make everything worse.”

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