Things I do for you

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After gathering the courage Moonbyul took her diary in her hand after a long time and started writing her feelings. She was sitting in her chair by the desk and looked at the picture of them up on her wall.

‘I see you smile everyday
I’m in the same place and can’t remember how to smiled
I am jealous of your happiness
I look at you and your smile is beautiful’

She thought it was worth writing and would use it in a song if given a chance. After writing about her day, she went to bed. After two weeks, it was the first night that Moonbyul didn’t cry to sleep. She tucked herself in bed and turned out the lights. She had just drifted to sleep and her phone started ringing. She searched for her phone and looked and with one eye closed she looked at the name. It was Solar.

She was wide awake now and answered it immediately.
S - "Hello?"
“What are you doing?” 
M - “Nothing was just going to bed” Moonbyul lied because she didn’t want Solar to think she disturbed her.

S - “Oh so are you free right now?”

M - “Yes Unnie, what happened? Are you alright?”

S - “Yes, can you please come pick me up?”

Without a question Moonbyul said yes and asked Solar to text the address.

Moonbyul got dressed and was searching for her car keys; she heard a knock on her door. She opened the door to see Wheein and Hwasa standing in front. She was in hurry so she just continued to search for her key.

“What are you doing here?” she asked the younger girls.
“We were here to ask if you wanted to watch the movie with us but what is going on? Are you going somewhere?” Moonbyul told them how Solar called and asked her to pick her up. It was past 1 in the morning and the younger girls started worrying for both Solar and Moonbyul.

“Do you want us to come with you unnie?” Hwasa asked.  Moonbyul assured that they both will get back safely and told them to continue with their movie. She found her car keys and left her room.

She was wondering why Solar asked her to pick up when Jae-Sung was supposed to drop her off. She was driving twice as fast she normally drives. She stopped her car outside a house that looked lively, she looked around and there were people standing outside; talking, she could hear the music coming from the house. Her eyes were searching for Solar and finally saw her approaching.

“Unnie, are you okay? What happened and where is Jae-Sung oppa?” she asked her with a concerned look on her face.
“I am fine Byulah, we’ll talk about this on our way back.” Solar and Moonbyul got into the car and Moonbyul started driving.

The silence between them was unusual. Byul could not hold it in anymore and asked the previous question to Solar. She hesitated at first but told everything to Moonbyul.

“How dare he do that to you unnie? I am going to punch him in the face next time I see him” Moonbyul was angry at Jae-Sung and it could be seen in her words.
“No, I don’t want you to do that, he was drunk, he didn’t know what he was doing maybe he did not intend to hurt me.”
Moonbyul couldn’t believe the words that came out of Solar’s mouth. She was surprised how Solar could not see how he treated her.

“But unnie” Moonbyul wanted to help Solar but it seemed Solar herself didn’t want any help. “Please don’t mention this again, I can handle it. I am not going to forgive him for his tonight’s behavior” Solar said with a shaky voice.
“Okay unnie but at least let me talk to him. He should realize how inappropriate he behaved” Moonbyul said with a concerned voice.

“Can’t you understand I said no? I DO NOT want you to talk to him about me. I don’t want you to interfere.” Solar said in an aggressive tone. “Okay unnie, if you say so.”
Solar didn’t realize how she sounded and went back to checking her phone. Moonbyul held in her tears and just drove in silence till they reached the company.

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