Break up

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*Solar POV*

"I want to share the room with Byulie unnie" I heard Wheein say.

I don't know why but I felt sad after hearing it. I wanted to share the room with Byul.

Suddenly Hwasa grabbed my arm and said "and I want to share room with unnie"

What is going on? Why are they both behaving like this? They didn't talk much, did they fight?

I agreed with them because I thought it was the right thing to do then and now I am unpacking in the room with Hwasa.

She has unpacked half of her stuff and is now lying in bed so I scolded her to organize her side of the room. It looks like a robbery has taken place here.

"Living with you is going be fun" she said sarcastically and burried her face in the pillow not moving from the bed.

"Then why didn't you just share room with Wheein? I asked.

"Do you want to share with Byulie unnie? If so I can share room with Wheein" She asked and raised an eyebrow.

"No" I answered quickly. But I did want to be roommates with Byul, I just couldn't say that out loud.


*Moonbyul POV*

I've always been close to Solar unnie and shared rooms with her. Sharing a room with Wheein isn't bad, it's just weird. She's so caring. She unpacked her stuff and now is helping me organize my side of the room.

We both finished organizing and are now laying in my bed.

"Ya Wheeinah, you know everything about me and my feelings but you never talk about yours."

"Do you like someone?" I asked curiously.

She just sighed and said "yes but I don't know if that person feels the same about me"

I sat up quickly. "What? Who is that lucky guy?"

"I'm sorry unnie, I cannot tell you right now. If things go well, you'll be the first one to know. But unfortunately things aren't going very well at the moment." She said with sad tone.

"Why? Did you both fight?" I pinched her cheeks and said "nobody can be angry at such a cute puppy for a long time, if he does then he is stupid" I said jokingly

"Ya unnie don't call her stupid at least" she said casually. After a second she realized what she had said.

I widened my eyes "Her?"

Before she could say anything, Hwasa and Solar knocked on our door to call us for hanging out.

It's been an hour since we all sitting in practice room. Wheein tried to avoid my eyes for almost all the time.  I want to talk to her and tell her it's all okay.

We were planning to order food for tonight's dinner and have it in our rooms.

After a lot of discussion, we decided to order ttoekbokki because Yongsun unnie kept on suggesting it.

In middle of our conversation, Yongsun unnie got a call. Her smile faded and she looked at me. I understood who was calling her. She still answered the call.

Today? I'm sorry baby
I don't think I can come today
I have some work
Yup, bye"

She was giggling like a child after the call and it my heart flutter. I thought I was over her. What is happening? My heart be normal, be normal.

We all looked at her to explain her behavior.

"I am sorry guys I don't think I can join for tonight dinner" she giggled again

"Why?" Hwasa asked.

"Jae-Sung called. He wanted me to be his date for a party tonight. I said I cannot come but I want to surprise him. I cannot wait to see him." She was very excited.

I tried and smiled. We continued our chit chat and went on our way back to our rooms.

We all are standing in front our door. Our rooms were right across each other's.

"So let's just cancel today's dinner plan as our sunshine is not going to be there" Hwasa said and we all agreed.

"While I'm not there I hope you both clear your misunderstandings. I don't like when you both fight" Solar said pointing Hwasa and Wheein.

I noticed Wheein and Hwasa didn't talk to each other at all today. Did they fight? Is Wheein sad because of... Hwasa? Is Hwasa that girl? My jaw dropped and I looked at Wheein. She looked terrified, she said "goodbye guys" and quickly pulled me in our room.


*Hwasa POV*

"What's wrong with them?" Yongsun unnie and I looked at them in confusion. We shrugged and went in our room.

Yongsun unnie was getting ready for her party and she ordered me to clean my side of the room so I'm doing it.

She took almost an hour to get ready and finally came out, she looked so pretty in that black dress. Her hair is open and the eyeliner perfectly highlighted her pretty eyes. She turned around and OMG it's backless.

"You look hot, Jae-Sung is one lucky dude." I said while winking at her. She blushed and left for the party to surprise her boyfriend.

I got back to my bed as soon as she left. I have plenty of time to clean the room, if Jae-Sung is lucky, I might have all night to myself.

I asked Wheein and Moonbyul to come over but they said they couldn't. I passed my time by watching TV, eating and laying in bed. It's been only two hours since Yongsun left and I'm feeling lonely already.

I heard a knock on the door. Someone's here, finally I don't have to be alone anymore I thought to myself.

I opened the door to see Yongsun unnie. Her eyes were red, tears were streaming from her eyes, she had her mascara all over her cheeks, she looked miserable.

I quickly let her in and closed the door. She sat on her bed and I gave her a glass of water.

"What happened?" I asked but she kept crying. I wiped her tears and sat beside her to comfort her. I didn't push to answer so I just sat beside and hugged her for a while.

After a couple of minutes, she looked up and said "I broke up, I broke up with Jae-Sung."

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