First impression

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All the groups had gathered in the practice room for practice. Everyone was doing their practice in groups.
Solar, Hwasa and Wheein were the only ones sitting doing nothing.

“Where is she? Does she know she is late?” Solar asked with little annoyance in her voice.
“I don’t know. She said she will be here by 9.” Hwasa was trying to calm Solar down. “9 according to which country coz its already 9:35 in Korea.”
“Let us practice by the time she comes”
The three on them started their practice. After few minutes, Moonbyul finally arrived.

“I am so sorry guys. I know I am late, I just got caught up in some work” “it’s ok.” “No problem, it’s your first day. We can understand” Wheein and Hwasa said.
Solar just looked at her watched.

“Alright everyone, gather here.” The trainer asked everyone to gather in one place. “Let’s start with the practice. Everyone please put on your shoes I asked you to bring along”
Everyone was putting on their shoes and Moonbyul was just standing there looking at everyone. “What happened? Why are you not wearing the shoes?” the trainer asked.
“Um- I am sorry; I forgot to bring the shoes.”  Moonbyul replied embarrassingly.
“Alright, see if someone has got an extra pair.” Moonbyul nodded and went back to her team.

“Where are you shoes?” Solar asked with an annoyance her voice. “I forgot to bring them.” Moonbyul simply said.

‘How can someone be so careless? First, she’s late and then she forgets her shoes. Wow. Is she even serious about being in the group? Can this girl get more annoying?’ Solar thought.

“Here, take these. I have an extra pair.”
“Thanks do you always carry extra shoes with you?” Moonbyul spoke informally.
I have to. For you idiots like you who forgets to bring them on first day. I don’t want our group to be in trouble. Solar thought in her mind but did not say anything.  She just gave a cocky smile to Moonbyul.

They all started dance practice.
The trainer asked them to come forward and show their dance moves to see who needs to work harder.

All the other groups performed and the four of them cheered and showed support.
It was Solar’s turn to show her moves. She got up and went in the front. She was now comfortable performing in front of people. She had been seeing the same faces for weeks now.

When she started dancing, everyone turned their attention towards her. The way her body moved with the rhythm of the music left everyone shook.
Even the members of her own group were surprised by sudden confidence of Solar.

She looked very sexy in that very moment. Moonbyul could not take her off Solar even though Solar had finished her dance couple of minutes ago. Is that the same weird girl I met yesterday is what Moonbyul thought.

Wheein showed her potential to be the main dancer of the group coz that girl danced smoother than the butter. Hwasa danced to a sensual song. Everyone was shook to see her bold dance moves.

Moonbyul was the last to show her dance. Solar rolled her eyes when Moonbyul passed by her.
One less lonely girl started playing in the background. Moonbyul did break dance to the song. She danced better than any boy could ever to that song.
Even Solar forgot how much she hates her and cheered for Moonbyul.  Every girl in the room was looking just at Moonbyul and how perfectly her body moved with the rhythm.

“Wow. That was amazing. You dance so well” Solar said with a smile on her face.
‘What happened to her? Did she just give a compliment me?’ “Thanks” Moonbyul said as she could not think of other words to say.
‘Really? Just a cold thanks? I should have not said anything instead.’ Solar rolled her eyes and went to check her to see if her mom had called.

“I see you finally found shoes. Who lent you these?”  The trainer asked Moonbyul
“That girl” Moonbyul pointed towards Solar and Solar looked more annoyed than ever. Solar felt it was inappropriate to refer informally to her as she was older. Moonbyul did not know Solar was older than her. She did not know anything about Solar apart from her name she dances really well.

Every group was taking a group picture after the practice so these four girls also decided to take a picture.  Solar, Moonbyul, Hwasa and Wheein were standing in that order to pose for the picture.

Suddenly Moonbyul felt Solar’s arms snake around her waist and Solar’s body very close to her.
She was practically back hugging Moonbyul.

Moonbyul was wondering why the girl was hugging her. They hardly knew each other. Moonbyul could not understand why did she like it and dislike it at the same time.

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