The Party - 2

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After a tiring day, Yongsun was lying in her bed. The sky had changed its color from orange to blue. It meant Yongsun had to start getting ready for the party she promised to attend. She had absolute no interest in parties. She wasn't a drinker neither was she social. She kept thinking about cancelling it but she kept her word and got ready.

She found herself a grey one knee-length shoulderless one piece that did justice to her curves. She kept her make up light and simple. She kept her wavy hair open and to complete her look, she added round earrings.

She looked gorgeous and when Jae-Sung came to pick her up, her was stunned with her beauty. Solar opened the door as soon as she heard the bell. When he saw her, he couldn't speak. He kept looking at her and said "you lo-look hot"

She blushed at his words and said "and you look handsome" with a smile.

Jae-Sung was wearing a white T-shirt and a denim jacket. He wore blue ripped jeans and white sneakers. His was messy but perfectly styled.

He pulled her close and kissed her cheek. Then he put his hand out for Solar and said "Let's go" she gladly accepted it.


They reached his friend's house where the party was held. The house was filled with people dancing to loud music and disco lights. Yongsun being the shy, held Jae-Sung's hand and walked behind him.

They met his close friend Lee Ha-Joon, who was also a trainee from their company-RBW. They greeted each other and went inside. Solar saw a lot of familiar faces so it relaxed her a bit.

Jae-Sung introduced her to all his friends and some girls from their group happened to know her too cause they had worked together. They all were sitting on round table, enjoying drinks and music, a little far away from the dance floor, in the garden area so they could hear each other.

All were talking and making jokes which Yongsun didn't understand but she kept the smile on her face all along. She kept thinking about how she also would have enjoyed if her members were there too.

Jae-Sung interrupted her thought and said "Yongsunah I finished an entire bottle and you still haven't finished that glass?"

She got embarrassed and said "I don't like drinking much" and looked down at her glass.

"It's okay, there's a lot of food. You can have that. I hope you don't dislike eating" Lee Ha-Joon stepped in and made her feel at ease.
He even ordered more chicken for her on the table.

"Oh thank you" She smiled. Solar liked his friends. They involved her and asked her questions in between so she didn't feel left out.

"Yongsunah try this" Jae-Sung tried to make her drink the fusion he made of two drinks.

"I told you that I don't want to drink" she said quietly to not make an issue.

"C'mon just once. Don't drink the whole if you don't like it" He held the glass close to her mouth and was convincing her to drink it.

His another friend Jung Myeong warned him to not bother her "Hey buddy I think she clearly said she doesn't want to drink. Let her be dude"

He whined "you're no fun at all" and continued his drinking.

His friends apologized for his behavior and easily fell back into conversation.

Solar talked with them too but she suddenly remembered the day when she was drinking after their concert and Moonbyul stopped her from drinking more. She missed the members even more.

After a while, one by one everyone started to join the dance floor. The only people on the table left were Jae-Sung, Solar and two other girls. They asked her to join them and she refused at first cause she wanted to be near Jae-Sung. Though she made new friends but wasn't comfortable enough to join them without Jae-Sung.

"Go join them. I'll join you guys once I'm finished with this bottle" He sounded very rude and it hurt Solar a bit but she again confirmed "Are you sure? Is it okay if I go?"

"Then what are you going to do? Sit beside me and drink?" His voice was stern.

"He's drunk, let's leave him alone. Don't get upset because of him. Let's go have some fun on dance floor"

She went with them without giving him a second look. She hesitated at first, she moved slowly to the music but after seeing the other two girls dance weirdly, she joined them. Half of the dance floor couldn't keep their eyes off Yongsun because even she didn't realize how her weird dance turned into sexy moves.

The other girls cheered her and they become good friends. She stopped dancing when she saw Jae-Sung looking at her from across the room. She excused herself and went over to him.

"What happened? Why'd you stop? I didn't know you could look so sexy while dancing"
He held her hand and was taking her back to the dance floor. "Let's dance together."

She stopped him and said "I am tired now. I don't want to dance anymore. If you want you can, come back when you're done and I'll be here." She made herself comfortable on the sofa beside her.

"You were dancing till now and when I want to dance with you, you're suddenly tired?" He forced her up from sofa but not harshly so nobody could notice.

"Let me go" She tried to loosen his grip but failed. "Why are you behaving like this?" Her eyes started to get teary.

"Not till you dance with me" he aggressively whispered.

Jung Myeong saw this and rushed towards them. He helped her get free from his grip. Jae-Sung warned him to not come between him and his girlfriend but he was too drunk and passed out after a couple of minutes.

His friend took him to the guest room. The two girls saw this and took care of Solar till Jung Myeong returned.

He felt terrible for his friend's action and went to check on Solar. She said she was fine and just wanted to go back to her room.

They asked if she needed any help getting back to the company but she said she will manage.

She took her phone out and made a call.

"Hello? What are doing? - Oh so are you free right now? - Can you please come pick me up? - I'll text you the address - Thank you."

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