The Party

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The first person to reach the club was Moonbyul. She had called the girls but they were still not ready so she decided to go ahead and wait for them.

She was rocking a blue turtle neck top and a black skirt. She wore her coat over the top and had applied light make up.

When she entered the club, she saw few people talking near the sitting area, more than half of the club was already getting wild on the dance floor and the remaining were near the bar.

She looked around for familiar faces and she saw their manager approaching her.

"I am so glad you came. Where are the other girls?"
"They are on the way oppa." Moonbyul talked to the manager for few minutes. She went to the bar and waited for the girls. Though she was talking one of the staff, her eyes were fixed on the entrance.

"Hey" Moonbyul heard a familiar voice. It was Park Jae-Sung.
"Nice you see you again" Moonbyul greeted him with a smile. "Have a seat"

"Enjoying the party?" Moonbyul started the conversation because the silence between them was getting awkward. "Um yeah" Jae-Sung said sipping his drink.

"Where are your members?" Jae-Sung started looking around.
"They are on their way" Moonbyul gave him a cold reply. It was as if Moonbyul could sense that he was waiting for Solar and it irritated her.

After a few minutes, the rest of the girls arrived. Each of them was looking stunning.

Hwasa was wearing a black dress with her hair tied in a ponytail. She applied brown lipstick and wore black heels to complete her confident look.

Wheein was wearing a cute white dress with her hair tied in a high ponytail.

Solar was wearing a glittery light-pink colored one piece which did justice to her curves and her brown wavy hair was down.

"Wow! You all are looking so... "
"Gorgeous" Jae-Sung completed Moonbyul's sentence.

"Hi, I am sorry I did not introduce myself earlier, I'm Park Jae-Sung. I am new trainee here and yes, Moonbyul's childhood friend." He smiled at them.

"Nice to meet you" Hwasa extended her hand to shake and the other two did the same.

"You ladies are looking beautiful tonight." Jae-Sung had sat down with the girls near the bar and all of them were talking. "Thank you" everyone said but only Solar did not say anything. She could not make eye contact with this guy. Like always, she got all awkward.

They all spent few hours talking and drinking. By this time, they had become friends with each other. Suddenly Jae-Sung got up from his seat and walked towards Solar. He extended his hand out and asked Solar for a dace.

Solar panicked, she never knew how to deal with strangers. She denied by saying that she cannot dance but Hwasa and Wheein insisted her to go so she took his hand went on the dance floor.

Seeing this, Moonbyul felt like someone had stabbed a knife in heart. She could not see Solar dancing with some other guy. She asked the waiter to repeat her order and kept drinking.

"I think you should stop unnie. Drinking so much is not good for your health." Wheein said with a concern in her voice. She tried to take away the glass from older girl's hand but Moonbyul just ignored her.
"You know what unnie? Drinking is not gonna make Solar unnie realize your love for her." Hwasa's tone was cold.

"Don't act like you care for me when you are the one who insisted Solar to go dance with that guy" Moonbyul raised her voice a little.

"Yes, I did. It is not because I don't care for you, it is because even Solar unnie deserves a chance to date. I have tried to help you so many times with your love confession but you always back out. Now it is time to let Solar unnie do what she wants and I think now even you should try to accept it. You have two options unnie, either try to win Solar unnie's heart to let her go. Sitting here drinking and doing nothing is not gonna help you" Hwasa let out her anger and Byul was surprised at the younger girl's tone.

"Unnie, Hyejin please don't fight right now. We are here to celebrate our debut. Please calm down both of you." Wheein tried to handle the situation.

"I am sorry Wheein-ah for the trouble, I'll just leave then." Moonbyul got up from her seat and someone held her arm from behind.

I swear she was going to lash out but she calmed down when she saw it was Solar. She was back from dancing with Jae-Sung.

"What happened? Where are you going Byul-ah?" Solar linked arms with Byul and it made her uncomfortable. Moonbyul said that she was not feeling well and was heading to her room.
Yongsun did not buy but asked Byul to take care of herself.

"Shall I come with you Byul-ah?" Solar was worried about Byul's health wanted to walk her till her room.

"Nah unnie, I'm fine. I can walk by myself."
"Unnie, don't worry, Hwasa and I will walk Byul unnie till her room." Wheein said.

"Then even I will come with you guys. Solar wanted to go with her members but Jae Sung was scratching his neck while saying "Solar, I was hoping that you would stay for some more time." Solar just smile but could not say yes or no.

"You stay unnie, we will take care of Byul unnie, you have fun." Hwasa said that and looked at Jae-Sung "Please take care of her, she's little drunk so I hope you will be able to handle her."

"Absolutely, I will make sure she reaches her room safely. You can count on me." He smiled at everyone and the three of them left.

It was only Solar and Jae-Sung. They both had a couple of drinks again and danced. Solar got comfortable with after knowing he was a real gentleman. After talking for hours, they both headed to their rooms.

Solar's heels started hurting her feet so Jae-Sung carried her heels in one hand and helped Solar walk properly with other hand. It was just the two of them in the hallway making chaos, they were singing loudly and Solar tried to bang on each door of the hallway but Jae-Sung somehow managed to handle her.

They both reached at the door of Solar's room. Solar was not in her senses. She said "I had a wonderful time tonight, thank you so much for walking me to my room. You are very handsome." She pouted her lips and leaned in to kiss him.

Jae-Sung panicked and moved his head back "yeah, it was nice knowing you too." He handed her the heels and motioned her to go inside. She opened the door with the help of the key and went in without closing the door. She collapsed on her bed.

Jae-Sung turned on the lights, put a blanket on Solar and left the keys on the table, turned off the light. He closed the door behind and left her room.

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