Not an update

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Hi everyone. This is not an update. I just wanted to say something. The previous month has been really rough on me. I lost my mom.

I wanted to update but every time I sat down to write, the only thing I could think about was my mom. To write, I needed to imagine and the only image in my head was my mom. I am doing okay now. I have started to write again.

There are lot of things I wish I could have done if I knew. I have so many regrets. One of them is not telling her how much I love her. So I just wanted to say that please if you have parents, tell them you love them. They do not expect anything from us except love. Please take care of your parents and yourselves. Do not forget to drink water. I hope you all are happy and healthy.

If you are going through any problem, please talk about it. Do not think you are alone. Mental health just as important as your physical health.

This time is difficult for all of us and I believe we all will get out of this together.

Love and best wishes to all of you ♥️

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