Break up - 2

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*Solar POV*

I sat there crying and Hwasa stayed with me the whole time.

"I broke up, I broke up with Jae-Sung" I said with tears still streaming down my eyes.


I know I said I couldn't make it to the party but I was so excited to surprise him.

I got ready for the party and arrived at the place.

I went to the entrance and met Jae-Sung's friends, they seemed surprised to see me. I saw a lot of people grooving to the music, some were chilling around the bar but my eyes were searching for one specific person.

I met few of his friends, we talked for a while. But when I asked about Jae-Sung, they all acted weird and started looking at each other.

I got a weird vibe so I excused myself to go to the bathroom, on the way I saw a couple kissing. My cheeks reddened at the thought of doing the same with Jae-sung. The guy looks so much like Jae. Am I so in love that I'm seeing him in everyone? I chuckled.

Wait. A. Minute.

I got closer to see it was in fact Jae-Sung. He didn't even notice me until I called his name.

His expressions were hard to read. He stood there and looked into my eyes with no regrets.

"What- what are you doing?" I asked as my throat started to choke up.
"Solar, what are you doing here? I thought you were not going to come." He said.

"What is going on? Jae, who is she? The girl with him asked.
"I'm his girlfriend, more like ex girlfriend now." I said.

I couldn't believe Jae oppa cheated on me. He never seemed like he could do such thing. I was angry and heartbroken at the same time. I wish I had never met him.

"I don't think we can continue this relationship. I'm breaking up with you. Goodbye" I said with teary eyes and started to leave. Jae-Sung tried to stop me and explain but I don't think I can trust him anymore. I left the place without looking back at him.

I took a taxi to dorm. I cried silently in the taxi thinking about what did I do wrong? Was I not a good girlfriend?

I didn't realize when we reached the company. I went to my room.

I am so happy Hwasa was there to support me. She took care of me that night.


I know I'm updating after a long time. I am so sorry. I am reading your comments and messages and it honestly brings tears to my eyes. You moomoos are so kind. Your comments is the reason I am updating again. Thank you so much for all the love. I hope you all are healthy and safe.

It's time to celebrate, Jae-Sung is gone.

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