The Debut

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It’s been a year since Mamamoo was formed. The girls worked harder and harder for this day to come. They had finished recording their debut EP and were currently shooting the music video for Mr. Ambiguous - their single.

Many things had changed, like the girls had their own separate rooms, choreographer, manager and a single. With time, their friendship became stronger and the girls grew closer to each other. The friendship which isn’t forced is the true friendship. They admit that they did not like each other at the beginning, maybe this is the reason their friendship is genuine.

“And cut” The directed said with a satisfied expression on his face. Everybody on the set applauded. It was the last shot of their MV which was done.

The girls came in together for a group hug with tears in their eyes. This hug meant much more than a normal hug, it was a promise that they will always be together and achieve their dreams together from this day onwards.

“If I am dreaming, please don’t wake me up.”Hwasa said with tears in her eyes. They all were crying so Moonbyul tried to lighten the mood by pinching Hwasa. “Oow what are you doing unnie?”
“Making you realize that this not a dream” Hwasa just rolled her eyes.

Their manager and Baek Ji Young walked towards them. “You all have done an excellent job. We are very proud of you girls.”

This made all the girls stop crying and they had bright smiles on their faces.
“And yeah, I am sorry for earlier. I was just kidding, it was supposed to be prank and your manager planned it, NOT ME.” Baek Ji Young said with an apologetic face. Girls didn’t mind it and took the joke light heartedly.

“Anyways, don’t forget about the party we are having tonight for your debut. Go to your rooms and rest for some time, we’ll see you at the party.” Their manager and Baek Ji Young left biding their goodbyes.

The girls were on the way to their room, Moonbyul felt a light tap on her shoulder. She turned around to see her childhood friend Park Jae-Sung standing in front of her. She was surprised to see him.

“Hey, how have you been oppa?” She hugged him. “I am good, how are you? I haven’t seen you since high school. What are you doing here?” He said separating from her hug.

Park Jae-Sung was Moonbyul’s only friend in high school. She wasn’t the most popular girl of the school; in fact she used to get bullied for her tomboyish dressing. Jae-Sung was always there for her when she felt like nobody likes her. Moonbyul left Bucheon (her hometown) right after her high school to pursue her career in music. She had not seen Jae-Sung after that.

“I am trainee here.” Moonbyul replied to which Hwasa said “Not anymore unnie” with a smile. “Oh right, we just filmed our debut MV. We work for this company.” Moonbyul explained it to him.

“What? No way” He said not believing that he got selected for the same company. “I can’t believe this. I am selected as a trainee here. I think we will be seeing each other more often and congrats to you all” He genuinely seemed happy to see his old friend working in the same company.

“Sure, I am glad to you see you again. By the way these are my members” Moonbyul introduced each member but Jae-Sung seemed distracted by Solar. His friend summoned him so before going he said goodbye to Moonbyul and locked eyes with Solar while saying “I’ll see you again”

Moonbyul felt very uncomfortable seeing that. But what made Moonbyul more upset is the sight of Solar blushing.  As soon as he went Hwasa said “Ooo who was that hot guy unnie?” Wheein playfully slapped her arm.

“That was my childhood friend Park Jae-Sung. He is one of my very good friends but we haven’t seen each other in a while.”

They proceeded with their walk towards their rooms. Moonbyul was walking ahead so Solar sprinted to walk with her. Solar locked their arms. It made Moonbyul happy.

As the time passed, Moonbyul’s crush for Solar had turned into Love. She spent most of her time with Solar so even she couldn’t understand how her feelings for Solar got so strong. She has not confessed it to her because she knew Solar would never like her the way she does. Solar surely loved Moonbyul as a friend and it was enough for Moonbyul. And small moments like these made her happy.

“Byul-ah can I ask you something?” They were walking towards Moonbyul’s room. “Yes, what is it unnie?”

“Um don’t think I am creep or something but can you please tell me more about your friend we met earlier?”

The reality hit Moonbyul hard. Mamamoo was busy with their debut and never had time for dating and romance but now that they are debuting, it will give them some time for themselves. She knew that one day Solar will love someone romantically and she wouldn’t be the one but never in the whole wide world had she thought Solar will be interested in her good friend.

With a heavy heart, Moonbyul tried to reply “It’s too late to think you are not a creep.” Solar rolled her and said “Can you please answer my question?”

“Okay, okay, he is my friend from high school. We were really close friend because we both were losers in school. He was there for me when I felt lonely and he is one of the sweetest people on earth.”

“Will he be coming to the party today?” Solar seemed interested in him and Moonbyul didn’t understand what to do. She just said “I don’t know” and went inside her room without saying goodbye to Solar. It confused Solar but she didn't think much and continued to walk towards her room.

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