Meeting members

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Yongsun stood outside this huge building which read ‘RAINBOWBRIDGE WORLD’ She waited a few seconds and sighed “This is it”. She went in.

She looked around her; there were many people walking around. She was confused whom to ask about the training.
A girl bumped into her “mianhae” said Yongsun. “Why are you saying sorry?” The girl giggled. “I am the one who should be saying sorry; I am sorry”

Yongsun looked at the girl who looked very small to be in the K-pop industry. She had a child-like face and looked very cute and bubbly. “No worries, I was wondering where is the meeting of members of new trainees, please can you help me?”
“Yeah, the training room is um… Do you see that entrance?” The girl pointed towards a small entrance between elevator and other room. “Yes.” Said Yongsun after looking for few seconds. Her eyesight is not very good to be honest. “Take right the 3rd room on right hand side is the room for new trainees.”
“Thank you very much…uh..” “Wheein, I am Jung Whee in” the girl extended her hand  and Yongsun gladly shook her hand. “I am Kim Yongsun, thank you so much Whee in si. Nice to meet you” Both of them gave a sweet smile to each other.

Just when Yongsun was about to turn and leave, Wheein was attacked with a back hug by a girl somewhat of her height. It scared the younger girl but her facial expression changed to annoyed when she realized who it was.  “Why can’t you greet me with a normal hello? You scared the hell out of me.”
Yongsun was standing there awkwardly looking at their interaction.

Wheein realized that Yongsun was standing in front of her and gave her a smile. “I should get going. Thank you again, see you around Wheein. Yongsun gave a smile to Wheein and said ‘goodbye’ to the other girl beside her.

“Who was that?” The girl asked. “Who? Oh that unnie? She was looking for training room. I think she is new trainee.” Wheein explained. “She seemed weird. Why did she say bye to me? I don’t even know her?” the girl laughed. “C’mon she is new here, she looked so nervous. Forget that, let’s go, we will be late for training”

‘What is wrong with me? Why did I act so weird? Those two might be thinking that I am some weird girl’ this thought was on repeat in Yongsun’s mind till she reached the practice room.

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