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A few days later.

The girls seemed to have gotten comfortable with each other. Hwasa knew Wheein since middle school and Moonbyul from other company. The three of them used to joke around and play games together. Solar, on the other hand used to talk to them but was not as close as the three of them were.

During practices, she used to be alone and do yoga to make herself feel less lonely. The other girls used to think she does not want to get involved and continued their fun.

Due to lack of communication skills, Solar often ate alone and was left to do things on her own.
It was not like the other girls did not want to involve her, they tried but Solar seemed to like being alone.

“I am so excited that finally the company has decided a debut date for us.” Wheein was jumping with joy (literally) “Calm down, we still have to work a lot harder for them to approve our debut.” Moonbyul held Wheein by her shoulders.

“You are so cute when you get excited.” Solar said hugging her from side. Solar was closer to Wheein compared to the other two members. Well, she was closer to Hwasa as well but Moonbyul, she hated Moonbyul with all of her soul. Moonbyul also reciprocated the same feeling. Everything she did used to annoy Solar and this made Moonbyul hate Solar.

“Okay now let’s go, we don’t want to be late for the meeting.” Moonbyul said looking at the clock in their dorm. “Really? Look who’s talking.” Solar said looking at Moonbyul.
Moonbyul shrugged and walked ahead with Hwasa.

“Why do you hate her so much?” Wheein asked Solar with an amused smile.
“I don’t know, I don’t like her attitude. She thinks she is the best but really she is just showing off. She is always late. I don’t like the way she talks to me. She always makes fun of me. I can go on but now I gotta focus on the group meeting.”
“Looks like someone has been noticing a lot of things about someone.” Wheein said.
"Wha-" “Nothing, let’s go otherwise we will be the ones who are late.”

“So girls, I have seeing all the hard work you are doing and I am very proud to see the progress. Out of all the other groups, you guys have progressed much faster.” The manger praised girls.

“We have decided to let you guys debut but first we will need to see if you guys are ready for it. Things will change from today onwards. You will have to practice twice the amount of times you did earlier. You will have a personal trainer for your group. We have to decide a name for your group which we will discuss in tomorrow’s meeting. You don’t have share a room anymore. You get two rooms. Two members will share a room.” Manager explained the rest to the girls and they looked so happy that their eyes became teary.

As soon as the manager left the meeting room all the girls group hugged and started crying. They held each other’s hands. “Finally we will be doing what we came here to do, we will be a girl group.” Solar said with a proud smile and the rest agreed by nodding their heads.

In that moment Solar did not realize she was still holding Moonbyul’s hand while Wheein and Hwasa already let go their hands were talking to each other. Moonbyul and Solar were looking at them with held hands.

Moonbyul looked at Solar with a smile but Solar looked down at their hands and let go of her hand immediately. They both looked embarrassed.

“What have you decided unnie?” Hwasa asked. “Decided what? Solar did not understand what Hwasa was asking. “About the room. Can Wheein and I share a room please?”
‘Does that mean I have to share room with this greasy person? I don’t want to do that. But Hwasa and Wheein look so happy; I don’t want to make them sad.’

“Is it okay with you if I share the room with you?” Solar asked Moonbyul.
‘I’d rather live in hell instead of sharing a room with her. Wait; wouldn’t it be the same thing?’ Moonbyul thought.

“No” Moonbyul replied. Solar was about to say something before that Moonbyul said “I mean no problem. It will be so ‘fun’ to share a room with you” Moonbyul said with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

“I can’t wait to live with you either” Solar said. “Huh?” Moonbyul was surprised.
“I mean share a room, I was trying to make a jok- anyways let’s go we have a start packing our stuff and decide a group name.”

The girls moved their stuff to their respective rooms which were right next to each other. After moving, they all gathered in Moonbyul and Solar’s room to come up with a group name.

“How does 'Orange' sound for a group?” Solar said excitedly. “I hate orange. It is such an ugly color.” Moonbyul replied. Solar rolled eyes again.

“Hey! that’s what I am wearing right now.” Hwasa not impressed. “You look beautiful though, it doesn’t count.” Moonbyul said making Hwasa blush.

“You can flirt later, let’s think about the name” Solar glared both girls.
Wheein suggested ‘Bellybutton’ to which everyone said no. It was cute and weird at the same time. After rejecting a few more names they finalized 160 and Mamamoo.

Moonbyul came up with 160 as their heights were around 160 and Solar liked Mamamoo as it represents a baby’s sound. They were discovering their voice many other things.


I don't know if anyone will even read this but if someone is reading, thank you very much.

It means a lot to me even if one person read this 💜

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