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Moonbyul was waiting outside the restaurant they had decided to have lunch in.

She was rocking her white T-shirt with a denim jacket over it and black jeans She finished the look by applying very light make up.

She kept looking at her watch and then the road. It had not been a minute since she reached there but waiting for Yongsun felt like an hour to her.
She had decided to properly apologize for her behavior and accept her fate.

Solar arrived soon. Solar's beauty never fails to amaze Byul even though she sees her everyday.

Solar was also wearing her white shirt and a perfect fit of blue jeans. She had applied very little makeup but she looked beautiful and it made Moonbyul's heart flutter to see Yongsun walking her way.

'stop it Byul, she's never going to be yours' is what Moonbyul was thinking by the time Solar came and gave Moonbyul a bone crushing hug.

"I'm feeling so relieved that you are not mad at me anymore" she once again hugged her tightly.

"Okay, okay, are we just gonna talk here or gonna eat too? I'm hungry."

They both went inside the restaurant, found themselves a comfortable place, ordered their favorite dishes and joked around.

They were having a great time eating and talking till Yongsun received a call. Her phone started ringing and both of them looked at the name 'Jae-Sung <3'

Moonbyul's smile immediately faded away and she kept looking down at her food. Yongsun noticed Byul and disconnected Jae-Sung's call.

"So Byulah, I've been trying to avoid this topic but I think we need to talk about thi-" Her phone started ringing and it was Jae-Sung again.

She sighed and answered his call.
"Hi, you're back and you didn't even call me or tex-"
Before he could say anything she cut him off "Hi, I'm sorry I'm kinda busy right now, I'll call you later"
"But I mis-"
"I'm really sorry but have to go."
"Okay fine but call me when you're done. I miss you"
"I'll call you, okay? Bye"

"You should have talked to him unnie" Moonbyul said without looking at Yong.
"That is not important right now. Look at me Byulah"

They both looked into each other's eyes and without any hesitation Solar said "You are important to me"

"Really? I am?" Moonbyul couldn't keep the eye contact and started looking at the food in her plate.

"Are you stupid or something?" Solar made an annoyed face. "What part of 'you are important to me' do you not get?"

Solar took Moonbyul's hands in hers and said "Listen, you are more important to me than anything in the world. Even more than him."

This brought back Moonbyul's smile. "Though I don't feel the same kind of love but believe me I love you Byul and I would do anything for you. If seeing Jae-Sung and I together hurts you, I will break up with him. Trust me I can do that for you."

Byul felt more guilty. She finally saw how much she means to Solar.
"No, I don't want you to do that." Moonbyul said wiping her tears with her sleeves.

"I am sorry unnie. I was being selfish and couldn't see how I was not only hurting myself but also you. I know you can't love me back but that doesn't mean we can't be friends, like before. I miss you"

"That's exactly what I mean. Why can't we go back to being friends again? Nothing has changed. You are the Byul to me. I miss my best friend. Can I have her back.?"

"Of course you can have her back, but" Moonbyul said with a smirk "you have to do what I say"

"Oh no, I don't feel good about this." Solar knew Moonbyul was going to make her do something embarrassing.

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