The Date - Part 1

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After the concert, the girls were very happy. That day was the most memorable day for them. They got to their accommodation but decided to stay in Hwasa’s room and have dinner.

“I still cannot believe we did a concert. A FREAKING CONCERT.” Hwasa said sippin’ her wine. 

“Really we did? So that wasn’t a dream?” Solar looked confused. That is when Moonbyul took the beer can out of Solar’s hand said “No more beer for you.”  Everyone laughed and Solar continued her whining.

“Ugh I’m not drunk, is my face red? It is not, that means I am not drunk.” Moonbyul did her best to keep Solar away from drinks. They talked and mostly made fun of Solar throughout their dinner.

They celebrated their success with the people that meant the most to them, themselves. They also had their families cheering in the audience and supporting them but as Mamamoo were working on their second EP, they did not get break. .

“You know, I am very happy. Everything feels so right. We debuted previous month, had our first concert today and Jae-Sung is so adorable and he takes care of me.” Hwasa and Wheein were looking at Moonbyul but Moonbyul had her eyes fixed on Solar.

“Do you want to know a secret?” Solar kept giggling while talking. She was for sure high.
“What?” Hwasa asked out of curiosity. “He has never kissed me because he is very shy.” Solar said this sentence and she started laughing. The three of them were just looking at her with blank expressions.

“Now that he has gathered courage and asked me out on a date for tomorrow, I think he will be my first kiss.”  Solar’s face turned redder and she hid her face in Moonbyul’s lap.

Moonbyul’s heart felt like someone stabbed 1000 knives in it. She just held Solar and her eyes became teary. Wheein and Hwasa confronted her but as soon as Solar raised her head, they all smiled with the girl in love.

After coming to her room, Moonbyul started crying and wondered why she could not have Solar. She had decided to move on but the more she saw Solar, the more she thought about her. Moonbyul loved Solar very much anyone could see it in her actions. Solar thought it was just the normal things best friends do for each other.

Byul grabbed her diary and started writing.

‘Why? Why always the person I love cannot be mine?
I really LOVE Solar unnie very much! Everything was going great till now BUT why??
Unnie said that she is going on a date with Jae-Sung oppa.
I don’t want to come between them! But I don’t want to share my unnie with anyone.
I don’t know why after hearing about their date, automatically tears started coming out of my eye!
Though unnie loves me too but she still has Jae-Sung oppa in her heart.
So maybe I should step back coz I am sure unnie will never love me the way I love her.
Ugh… I don’t know what to do?
I never cried so much for anyone.
She is my heartbeat! I cannot live without her.
I need her but she needs only and only him.
I am feeling very insecure, what will happen tomorrow?
She will be with him tomorrow.
I don’t have any personal issues with him. I don’t hate him.
I just feel very jealous.  I want unnie, I love her very much!
When I heard she is going to kiss oppa, I cried a lot after coming home!
Now also I am feeling like crying…
I think I will be ok. What can I do if she loves him?
I’ll accept her decision happily!’

Tears were falling on the pages but still she continued writing. After writing her every emotion, she closed the diary and went to sleep with tears still falling from her eyes. 


Solar asked Moonbyul’s to come to her room to hang out with her. Wheein and Hwasa had gone for shopping together. Solar was getting bored in her room so she decided to spend her time with Byul until her date.

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