Let's try to be friends

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"Welcome new trainees" A man wearing suit said.
Yongsun was sitting in the front row so she could pay attention in the meeting but the primary reason was she couldn't see shit without her glasses.

"I am so glad you have you all in my company. Thousands of girls auditioned for the group but only you 30 are selected. You all must be really talented and this company values talented people like you. I wish you all best of luck and rest of the meeting will be continued by Beak Ji Young. Thank you.

The meeting went for an hour and half. They were informed about the schedule, dorms, diet, rules and the groups they were in. Yongsun was handed a paper which contained all the information.

After the meeting, Yongsun started looking for her dorm. The paper said dorm number 727. She was given a key to the room. Yongsun inserted the key in the keyhole and opened the door.

She saw a medium sized light-green room with 4 beds. She wondered who her roommates were gonna be. Two beds were already occupied so Yongsun decided to utilize the bed beside the window.

She was unpacking as she heard the door open. She stopped and turned around to look who her roommates were. Two girls entered the room laughing but stopped as soon as they saw Yongsun. "Oh so you are my roommates. Pleasure to meet you again." "Nice to see you again, roomie" Wheein said. Yongsun gave a smile to Wheein and looked at the other girl with awkward smile. She was unable to look at the other girl for more than 2 seconds and started looking around and fidgeting with her hands.
Sensing her nervousness, the girl stepped forward and said "Hi, I am Ahn Hye Jin. I am sorry, I couldn't introduce myself earlier. Nice to meet you. Welcome to our room"
Yongsun looked at the Hyejin and smiled. "Thank you and I am sorry for earlier."
"No problem. You are new here, so if you need any help, don't hesitate to talk to us. I hope we will get along well."

"Yes, thank you. I think I will take a shower now. I am very tired today." Yongsun said as she grabbed her towel and went to take a shower.

"Oh my God Wheein I don't believe that weird girl is our roommate." Hyejin did not look impressed. "By the way you talked to her a few minutes ago, I thought you liked her"
"I don't hate her. I just think she's weird. And what I did earlier is called 'being nice'. She seems very awkward and nervous. I was just trying to make her feel comfortable."

Youngsun could hear the girls talk and she silently cried in the shower.

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