The Caring Roommate

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The four girls gathered in the practice room to practice. Solar was still unwell and her body was aching. She did not tell anyone because their debut was coming up and she wanted to make sure they are ready. Solar was sitting on the floor with her back leaned on the wall.

Moonbyul came and sat beside her. “You look different today, is everything fine?” Solar didn’t say a word; she just motioned with her hands indicating that she’s fine.

“C’mon, we have to practice.” Solar said pulling Moonbyul up from the floor. Moonbyul followed Solar to where the younger girls were already practicing.

They all stood in their position to begin their dance practice. The music started playing. Solar started feeling dizzy. She could not process what was going around her and her vision became blurry. She tried to gain her balance but collapsed on the floor.

“UNNIE” the three girls rushed towards her and Moonbyul held Solar on her lap. She asked Hwasa to inform someone immediately. “Unnie, please open your eyes. Can you hear me? Please say something.” Moonbyul was gently patting Solar’s cheek. Solar remained unconscious.

The company managed to bring Solar quickly to the nearest hospital. The girls also came along. They were waiting outside Solar’s room. The doctors finished talking to the manager and their manager approached the girls with a sad smile.
“Don’t worry girls, Solar is fine. She overworked and as a result her body got weak. There is no need to be worried, she will get discharge tonight. We will have a meeting after few days on this topic but for now tell her not to stress herself. Also, no more practice for you girls until next week. We will talk about this later. You can go in and meet her now.”

“Thank you so much sir.” The girls went inside to see Solar. She looked so small in the bed. Even after being through so much, she had a smile on her face. Moonbyul sat on the chair beside her bed and took Solar’s hand in her own. “Unnie. Don’t scare us like that again.”

Hwasa’s voice cracked while talking to Solar. She warned her not to stress and take rest. Wheein on the other hand fed Solar soup that they had ordered from hospital canteen.

“Thank you so much for the soup, I was hungry.”  The girls were happy to see their leader getting better.


“I said no, you have to listen to me Unnie.”  Solar had been given discharge and was brought to her room. Moonbyul and Solar were arguing whether Solar should go out of the room for dinner or not.

“But Byul-ah, I am fine now and I can walk. I want to eat something.” Solar attempted to get up from her bed but failed due to her body pain.

Moonbyul helped Solar to lie back in bed. “I know that you are hungry and I am here to bring you anything you want. Tell me, what do you want to eat?” Moonbyul shows nothing but care in her words.

Solar said “Anything, I would eat a wax candle if you give it to me, just get me something to eat.” Moonbyul giggled at Solar’s behavior and agreed to get some food for the girl.

Moonbyul went to cafeteria to check the menu. It wasn’t something that Solar would like so Moonbyul decided to get Solar Jjajang rice from her favorite restaurant. She called and informed Solar that it might take her little bit longer to get food to which Solar did not seem impressed.

When Moonbyul got back, Solar was trying to get ready and walk out of the room to get food. “I am so sorry unnie, I know it took me a while but now I am back. Go back in your bed; I’ll get you a plate and spoon." Moonbyul motioned Solar to go back in her bed.

Moonbyul brought a plate and a spoon for Solar. She sat on the chair beside Solar’s bed and Solar kept the plate on her bed and began to eat.

“mmm this is so good. Thank you Byul-ah.”
“I am glad you like it. Eat properly” Moonbyul said with a smile.

They heard a knock on the door. Moonbyul got up from the chair to answer the door. She saw two familiar faces after opening it. “Can we join you guys?” Wheein asked holding her food in her hand.

Moonbyul and Solar were sitting on Solar’s bed facing Wheein and Hwasa sitting on Moonbyul’s bed. They all had their dinner plates in their hands except Moonbyul.

“I am really happy that you are okay now.” Hwasa looked at Solar with warm smile.

“Where is your plate Unnie?” Wheein asked Moonbyul. She had forgotten to bring food for herself while getting food for Solar. “Um… I actually forgot to bring for myself.”

“How did you forget? Hwasa and I saw you in the canteen. We even called your name but I guess you did not hear us. By the time we came near, you had already left.”

“Yes, I had come to canteen to bring food for Solar but she does not like plain noodles so I went out to bring her favorite rice.” Moonbyul said blushing. Solar was surprised to hear that from Moonbyul. “Have you even eaten Byul? Solar asked.

Moonbyul shook her head indicating that she has not eaten. “I will go get something from the canteen. I’ll be back within few minutes.”

Moonbyul stood up from the bed but Solar held her hand and pulled her back. She made her sit beside her. “Don’t go now, it’s late already.” Solar filled the spoon with rice and brought it Moonbyul’s mouth. “Here, we have plenty of Jjajang, we can share.”
Moonbyul just kept looking at Solar in surprise and admiration. Solar motioned Byul to eat the rice she was holding. Moonbyul held Solar’s hand and ate the rice without looking at the spoon. Her focus was fixed on Solar’s eyes.

Solar fed Moonbyul and she ate from the same plate. Solar felt it normal to feed a friend like that but Moonbyul couldn’t stop thinking about it. The more she interacted with Solar, the more she liked her. They all talked and ate the dinner.

Wheein and Hwasa left and Moonbyul tucked Solar in her bed. She also brought warm milk for Solar to drink before going to sleep.

Solar and Moonbyul were sitting on Solar’s bed. “Thank you so much for taking care of me. I never knew you had this side to you.” Solar said giggling.

Moonbyul slapped Solar’s arm lightly “What do you mean? I am human and I have a heart, okay?” Solar sat up in her bed and embraced Moonbyul in a hug.

“Thank you Byul-ah.” She held Moonbyul’s face with her hand kissed her cheek which left Moonbyul stunned. Moonbyul’s heart skipped a beat to the feel of Solar’s soft lips on her check. Her checks showed a shade of red and words did not come out of her mouth easily.

“Yeah- I mean- I thi-think you should re-rest now.” She got up from the bed and went over to her bed. Without looking at Solar, she turned off the lamp beside her bed and pulled blanket over her face.

Solar thought maybe she always has this tough girl image and is embarrassed to show her soft side. Without thinking much, Solar went to sleep.

Moonbyul could not sleep. She kept thinking about the way Solar kissed her cheek. Her stomach got a weird feeling just by thinking about that moment.

From the way Solar held her face with one hand to the way her lips touched Moonbyul’s cheek, Moonbyul could remember everything in detail. She liked every second of it.

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